Cyber Innovation Series 2021/22: TYMLO Technology

The next CyberASAP finalist to be featured in the Cyber Innovation Series is TYMLO, a novel, web-based platform for data scientists and AI developers that provides explainability and trustworthiness in AI and ML solutions.
You can see the Tymlo Technology team in action at the CyberASAP Demo Day on 17 February where they, along with 9 other talented cyber academic teams, will be presenting their pitches and demonstrating their Proofs of Concept.
About TYMLO Technology
The greater use of AI has called for increased trust in data quality and model decisions, especially in regulated environments such as finance. TYMLO looks to address a key issue in the sector, by helping to improve data quality and model decisions for AI solutions.
Standard AI tools, developed and adopted by most organisations, are generally not fit for purpose in these regulated settings due to the fact that they do not outline how the AI algorithms derive results. This has led to a growing lack of trust in the AI-based decisions and predictions being made, due to poor data quality and lack of explainability.
To fill this gap TYMLO (web-based toolkits helping data scientists, AI and ML developers to trust ML outcomes) was devised by an expert team at the University of Wolverhampton. Consisting of three toolkits, TYMLO ensures trust, quality and explainability to AI-based decisions. It’s designed to help reduce unreliability; improve data quality, and add trustworthiness to any AI platform.
The TYMLO Team
TYMLO is being developed by a large team of specialists from the University of Wolverhampton, bringing together members of the nationally leading Wolverhampton Cyber Research Institute (WCRI).
Between them, the team has over 25 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence; experience of delivering over £8m of Cyber Security R&D projects as well as previous startup experience.
The team consists of:
- Dr Ali Sadiq – Expertise in AI algorithms
- Hiran Patel – Expert in ML models
- Prof Prashant Pillai – Professor of Cyber Security
- Prof. Andrew Pollard
and the support of researchers:
- Mohammed Sahid Al Den
- Benjamin Blackford
- Pooja Kaur
- Sarah Jarrett
“CyberASAP has been a great opportunity to gain knowledge in analysing market needs related to your innovation, then developing the necessary skills in formulating your value proposition and guide you through the way till translating your academic idea to an inevitable mature innovation”
Dr Ali Sadiq
See them at Demo Day
Join us on Thursday 17 Feb 2022 and be the first to preview a range of highly promising cyber products and services from leading UK academic teams. Hear their pitches and assess their offerings in this unique showcase of ready-to-commercialise cyber innovations. Register here.
CyberASAP 2022/23
Funding for CyberASAP 2022/23 has just been confirmed for academic teams with a cyber security idea they would like to commercialise. The funding competition opens on Monday 7th February 2022 and closes at 12noon on Wednesday 2nd March. To receive details of the programme and how to apply please provide your details here.
About CyberASAP
CyberASAP (Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme) is the only pre-seed accelerator programme in the cyber ecosystem which provides expertise, knowledge and support to convert academic research into commercial products and services.
CyberASAP is funded by the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture Media & Sport (DCMS) and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN.
Related Opportunities
Cyber security academic startup accelerator programme 2022-23: phase 1
Opens: 07/02/2022 Closes: 02/03/2022
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