Cyber Security Academic Startups Programme (Year 2) competition opens 22 January
Individuals based in a UK academic institution can apply for a share of £500,000 to join the cyber security academic startups programme.
Innovate UK in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and supported by Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) are investing up to £500,000 innovative cyber security ideas coming from the academic research base.
The aim of this competition is to identify the best commercial opportunities in academia in respect to cyber security. Your proposal should include the area of your research, the problem that you are solving and your proposed solution.
You must be based in a UK academic institution, have a cyber security idea and be interested in commercialising it.
Successful applicants will participate in a 6-week programme (including 3 activities taking up to 5 days in London) to determine the value of the idea and, if appropriate, to identify the best commercial route to progress. The programme will be supported by industry experts, including those from cyber security. It will include the development of a detailed value proposition and an associated pitch.
A briefing webinar takes place on 19 January 2018. Click here to register
For programme details visit .