Driving sustainable change: Innovate UK's Circular Fashion Global Innovation Network

Innovate UK Global Alliance Africa hosted the UK-Nigeria Circular Fashion Global Innovation Network on 7 May 2024. The event represents a significant milestone in the project’s efforts to promote circular economy practices within the UK and Nigeria fashion industry. The Global Innovation Network aims to create a platform for knowledge exchange, innovation, and partnership, driving the development and adoption of sustainable fashion practices.

Posted on: 05/06/2024
Chidubem Ejezie, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Global Alliance Africa, Nigeria, speaking at the UK-Nigeria Circular Fashion Global Innovation Network, 2024

Bridging the gap

The event featured a stellar lineup of speakers, including industry leaders and academics from the UK and Nigeria. They shared their insights and experiences on various aspects of circular fashion. Speaking to the launch of the Global Innovation Network and its vision, Dr. Nee-Joo Teh, Head of Global Alliance at Innovate UK Business Connect noted:

We’ve identified challenges, explored opportunities, and now stand poised to drive meaningful change. Fashion is a global supply chain, and the issues it faces transcend borders. We can address these challenges holistically by coming together, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient industry. We’re bridging the gap between innovation and impact through initiatives like the Global Alliance Africa project, leveraging partnerships to drive socioeconomic development.

Key focus areas

The UK-Nigeria Circular Fashion Global Innovation Network focuses on three key areas of Circular Fashion: redefining chemical use in production and manufacturing, recycling and upcycling textile waste, and promoting innovative sustainable materials for sustainable fabrics to encourage innovations that reduce or eliminate harmful chemicals, exploring alternative methods and sustainable materials to minimise environmental impact and consumer health.

One of the highlights from the event was the discussion on alternatives to using chemical dyes in local production of fabrics such as adire (yoruba). Special guest Dr. Mrs. Nike Okundaye, an expert in traditional indigo textiles and renowned Nigerian artist, shared her insights on sustainable textile practices rooted in traditional expertise:

We cultivate indigo, which we call elu, she said. The purple oil stain is abundant in the north, and we extract the purple colour using just water from ashes and cocoa skin. Everything we take from the earth can be returned to the earth without any chemicals.

Dr. Okundaye’s words showcased Nigeria’s rich legacy of eco-friendly textile practices and natural dye sources, emphasising the vast potential for innovative, viable solutions deeply rooted in traditional knowledge.


At the event, Titilayo Oshodi, Special Adviser on Climate Change and Circular Economy to the Governor of Lagos State, shed light on the Government’s Circular Economy strategy and urged Nigerians to be more intentional in incorporating Circular Economy practises into the production of African-Nigerian fabrics. This collaborative approach ensures that innovative solutions are supported by an enabling regulatory environment, facilitating widespread adoption and impact.

One of the many strengths of the UK-Nigeria Circular Fashion Global Innovation Network lies in its collaborative approach. It facilitates industry connections, enabling partnerships between UK and Nigerian entities and technology and innovation transfers. Through collaborative opportunities, the network supports joint projects that drive sustainable practices and commercialise innovative solutions. This cross-border collaboration promotes knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and the exchange of best practices, accelerating the transition towards a more sustainable fashion industry.

Delegates and speakers at the UK-Nigeria Circular Fashion event, May 2024
Delegates and speakers at the UK-Nigeria Circular Fashion event, May 2024

About Innovate UK Global Alliance Africa

Global Alliance Africa is a six-year project funded by UK International Development through Innovate UK (GCRF) and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

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