Energy Catalyst Round 8
The next round of the Energy Catalyst Programme is due to launch later in 2020 – prepare early and join the b2match brokerage platform.
This summer, Innovate UK, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Department for International Development (DFID) will invest up to £20m in innovation projects as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Transforming Energy Access (TEA) Programme. These must encourage products and services that will help countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia access secure, low cost and low carbon energy.
Although the launch date has yet to be finalised, as Innovate UK resources are diverted by Covid-19 response, actions are being taken to ensure that companies can prepare ahead of time.
Briefing event – 1 June
An online event will be held from 14:00-16:00 on 1 June. As well as an overview of the Energy Catalyst programme, there will be information about building a consortium and writing a successful bid, an introduction to the brokerage platform, b2match and case studies from previously funded projects.
More info and a link to register here.
The mid- and late-stage project submissions must be collaborative and will require input from at least one organisation in the country where it is intended to deploy the technology. The lead applicant can come from any country but the administrative lead must be a UK-based company.
Anyone interested in being part of a consortium can register on the brokerage platform b2match by following the link here.  
Details of other potential applicants will be registered there and participants can share information about their technology and proposed projects as well as what they need to put together a submission. The platform will remain open for the duration of the competition: three months from the launch date. You are encouraged to get talking early.