EU Horizon 2020 Funded Project SCRREEN Publishes Final Output Report

KTN are a project partner in ‘Solutions for Critical Raw materials – a European Expert Network’ (SCRREEN).
For the first time in the history, SCRREEN aims at gathering European initiatives, associations, clusters, and projects working on CRMs into along lasting Expert Network on Critical Raw Materials, including the stakeholders, public authorities and civil society representatives.
SCRREEN built an expert network on CRMs through Europe. As part of its awareness raising and knowledge exchange activities, the KTN reached out to range of stakeholders (through surveys and interviews) to better understand the current perception of risk associated with CRMs and the drivers for taking steps (or not) to minimise these risks.
This three year project has sadly come to an end, however we look forward to future activities, and in the meantime, we are pleased to now share with you the final output report which highlights some of the work the team have been doing with regards to industry insights on critical raw material supply chain risks and solutions.