Event: What are the Materials & Manufacturing Challenges in Making Fashion Sustainable?

Posted on: 11/03/2020

Register for our event on 31st March in Leeds on the materials and manufacturing challenges in making fashion sustainable.

On Tuesday 31st March in Leeds, KTN, University of Leeds, Zero Waste Leeds and ESRC will be hosting an event on the materials and manufacturing challenges in making fashion sustainable. Express your interest in joining the event here.


The event aims to engage a mixed audience (academics, industrialists, interested parties such as social enterprises and micro-businesses and the general public) in a discussion about current work towards sustainable fashion within a circular economy framework. The day would be in two parts, with invited speakers. In the morning we would be discussing activities that are taking place at a more national level. After lunch our speakers will present the work they do within the Leeds area and provide challenges that the audience is invited to collaboratively explore local issues for dealing with fashion and textile waste.


Draft Agenda

9:00 Registration & Refreshments

9:55 Welcome & Presentation by HoS of School of Design

10:00 TBC

10:30¬†Speaker 1 – TBC

11:00 Speaker 2 - TBC

11:30¬†Speaker 3 – TBC

12:00 Dr Pammi Sinha (UoL), Zero Waste Fashion/RSA (introduce the fashion hack and relevance to the morning session).

12:30 Lunch & Networking

13.30 The Fashion Hack

Three scenarios presented to the delegates about particular local (to Leeds area) issues related to fashion and textile waste. With the help of the organisers, delegates would be encouraged to participate in examining the issues, thinking about the root causes and so defining the problems as they see them:

Scenario One:¬†Community issues in recirculating fashion – clothing exchanges speaker to outline the issues they face.

Scenario Two: New products from old: speaker to outline their product made using waste textiles and the process that they use and the issues that they face.

Scenario Three:¬†Not the black bin – speaker from¬†Veolia¬†and¬†Leeds City Council¬†to outline their process and the issues that they face when textiles appear in the collection.

15:30 Tea/Coffee plus group discussion and feedback

16:00 Close


Please click here to express your interest in attending this event.


KTN Events and Coronavirus

While it remains safe to do so, KTN will continue to run and attend events. Responsibility for health and safety at these events is primarily held by the venues. However, KTN will work closely with all venues and partners involved to ensure that staff, speakers and delegates are protected. You will therefore be likely to see increased hand gel, tissues, wipes and masks (where appropriate) handed out at events.
It is possible that due to an assessed risk, an event may be postponed or cancelled at short notice in order to protect the health of our attendees. Where this is the case, we will endeavour to let you know as soon as possible.
Please do not travel to events should you feel unwell, and please follow the published Public Health England advice, which you can find here.

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