Faraday Battery Challenge Investment Readiness Programme 2021

This programme is now complete. You can apply for the second Programme which runs in 2022.
If you’re an SME in the electric vehicle battery sector and want to hone your pitch to investors, get a better understanding of the funding cycle and be more confident in delivering your story, you need to apply to KTN and the Faraday Battery Challenge Investment Readiness Programme.
The application process to join this Programme closes at 18:00 on 10 February 21.
The Programme is tailor-made for the electric vehicle battery sector and a maximum of 25 companies can take part. We are looking for SMEs working in the electric vehicle battery sector that are at a demonstrator stage of development.
Following an application process, the Programme starts with a bootcamp. At the end of the bootcamp, you’ll have developed an investor pitch, finessed your proposition and you’ll have a defendable understanding of your finances and future plans.
The Programme culminates in a showcase event where the cohort will pitch to an audience of investors.
Application process and timetable
If you would like to apply to take part you will need to complete our application form which includes submitting a one minute video which can easily be recorded on a smart phone.
Video guidance
Why you? Team is key. Confidence in the team will give confidence that unforeseen problems can be overcome. Include details of the core team and what skills and experience they bring . Investors are looking to see that both technical and business expertise are represented. Are there any gaps in the team? Will these be filled with the investment and what is your plan for doing so? Mention non-executive directors, advisors, supporters it’s all about building credibility.
Guidance for completing the form can be accessed here.
Access the application form and the timetable here.
Launch event
An event was held to launch the programme and you can access the recording here.
Applications close 18:00, 10 February 21. Apply here now.