Funding success for UK agri-food companies
UK organisations have won funding for innovative agri-food projects through the Agri-Tech Catalyst Round 8 and Innovate UK Smart Grants.
The results for the Agri-Tech Catalyst Round 8 are now public and you can read all about the projects that have secured funding. KTN worked with many of these UK organisations to help them apply for the funding and find partners to apply with.
Up to £3 million of funding was up for grabs for UK organisations, for early stage feasibility studies, mid stage industrial research and late stage experimental development. Projects must work on agri-tech and food chain innovations with partners in eligible African countries. The funding comes from the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and is delivered by Innovate UK.
KTN supports Innovate UK with hosting events to inform potential applicants and help them find organisations to partner with to apply for the funding.
The winning projects include Novel FMDV Vaccine Technology for Africa, Development and assessment of nematode resistant potato cultivars for East Africa (Kenya), Design and development of direct-coupled photovoltaic powered agri-processing machinery and more.
Read about all of the projects that have been awarded here.
The Agri-Tech Catalyst Round 9 is closing in a few days, on Wednesday 8th January 2020. Click here to read about the Agri-Tech Catalyst Round 9.
Results for the Innovate UK Smart Grants have also been announced. These grants are for the best game-changing and commercially viable innovative or disruptive ideas.
The winning projects include some exciting agri-food projects like advanced machine learning for management of salmon farms and developing high performance breeds of Black Soldier Fly for the insects- as-feed sector. Many of these projects received assistance from the KTN team.
Read about all of the projects that have been awarded an Innovate UK Smart Grant here.
A new round of Innovate UK Smart Grants is opening on 9th January 2020. Click here to find out if your project could win a Smart Grant - these are for all sectors and are not restricted to agri-food.