Harnessing the potential of biological resources to build a low carbon future

Posted on: 13/11/2018

BBSRC, with the support of EPSRC, have announced the funding of six Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (BBSRC NIBB).

In 2014, BBSRC funded 13 Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (BBSRC NIBB) with the aim of fostering collaborations between academia, industry, policy makers and NGOs in order to find new approaches to tackle research challenges and deliver key benefits in industrial biotechnology and bioenergy (IBBE).

Following on from the success of these original BBSRC NIBB, £11 million of funding has now been awarded to support a second phase of networking activities in IBBE.

Photo galleries are not available for content from the previous KTN website: we apologise for this.

Steve Bagshaw, Chair of the Industrial Biotechnology Leadership Forum, said:

“These networks are testament to the success of NIBB Phase I in harnessing the UK’s world-leading industrial biotechnology. It is through industrial biotechnology that we are able to create new processes and products that are more sustainable and far better for the environment. I’m excited to see what NIBB Phase II will do to tackle the global challenges facing us all.”

BBSRC’s Executive Chair, Professor Melanie Welham, said:

“This substantial investment into NIBB Phase II reflects the determination we have to secure a cleaner, greener, and a more sustainable future. As part of UK Research and Innovation, BBSRC continues to invest in industrial biotechnology research that underpins these networks, and will pave the way for novel and game-changing industrial processes and products.”


The six new BBSRC NIBB will run from 2019 to 2024. They will provide flexible funding for Proof of Concept projects, and are open to new members through-out their lifetime.

The BBSRC NIBB include:

  • Algae-UK: Exploiting the algal treasure trove – led by Professor Saul Purton, University College London
  • Biomass Biorefinery Network (BBNet) – led by Professor Simon McQueen Mason, University of York
  • Carbon Recycling: Converting waste derived GHG into chemicals, fuels and animal feed (CCNet) – led by Professor Nigel Minton, University of Nottingham
  • Elements of Bioremediation, Biomanufacturing & Bioenergy (E3B) Metals in Biology – led by Professor Nigel Robinson, Durham University
  • Environmental Biotechnology Network (EBNet) – led by Professor Sonia Heaven, University of Southampton
  • High Value Biorenewables (HVB) Network – led by Professor Ian Graham, University of York

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