Identify your EU funding solution to make innovation happen

Posted on: 20/02/2018

Experts will share best practices and programme opportunities for European companies in the latest webinar from the inSSIght project.

The inSSIght project is set to host a webinar on the 8th March to provide an update on the European Commission’s  upcoming calls dedicated to smart systems including; IoT, smart manufacturing, smart agriculture, smart energy and smart mobility.

During the webinar, experts will share best practices and programs opportunities for European companies.  The webinar is designed to benefit large corporations, SMEs and start-ups.  Speakers include:

  • PhD Nikolaos KATTAVENOS, Policy Officer, END/SNE European Commission ‚Äè
  • Ms. Petra WEILER, Senior Consultant, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
  • Dr. Rainer G√úNZLER, Head Business Development, Hahn-Schickard
  • Ms. Laure QUINTIN, European Project Manager, MINALOGIC


The inSSIght project started at the beginning of 2017 with the goal of fostering successful integration of smart systems in a broader spectrum of products and applications.  The project will unveil and promote new functions and advantages enabled by the integration of Smart Systems with existing products and processes.

Register for the webinar now.



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