Innovate UK Digital Health Technology Catalyst Funding Competition – Briefing and Collaboration Brokerage Event - Leeds
Are you a business developing an innovative digital health product?  Are you interested in seeking funding to support its development?
Are you a business developing an innovative digital health product?  Are you interested in seeking funding to support its development?  Would you like to access academic and clinical collaborators, and gain support to prepare your funding application? 
Innovate UK are launching their next round of Digital Health Technology Catalyst (DHTC) funding in mid-February, designed to support the development of digital innovations in healthcare.  A total of £8M is available to support collaborative research and development projects of up to 30 months in duration, with each project eligible for funding of up to £1M.
Briefing and Collaboration Brokerage Event – 6th March Leeds
This joint event between Translate, Innovate UK, and the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) will provide an opportunity to:
• Learn more about the funding available from Innovate UK to support collaborative industry-led projects, including the DHTC, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), and other funding competitions
• Find out about the wealth of support networks available to industry, including the KTN, EEN, Catapults, AHSNs and MICs
• Hear from a broad range of academic and clinical experts, ranging from health economics to artificial intelligence, and child health to surgical technologies
• Network and discuss potential collaboration opportunities with academic and clinical partners during a brokered matchmaking session
• Hear about the support and funding available through Translate to support collaborative, industry-led projects
Find out more and register here