Innovations developed via CyberASAP feature strongly in line up at CYBERUK, 11-12 May 2021

Eight CyberASAP teams selected to participate in flagship Cyber Security event
At the UK government’s flagship cyber security event, CYBERUK 11,12 May 2021, eight of the teams selected to pitch in the event’s Cyber Den* are “graduates” from the Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme (CyberASAP).
Showcasing a wide range of cyber security products and services at the May 2021 event, the CyberASAP cohort features teams at varying stages in their commercial development. Pitching to four Dragons in the Cyber Den*, the winner is set to receive “assistance from the National Cyber Security Centre in assessing, developing and piloting their product or service. This may include consultancy on the technology, targeted PR and potentially working with a Government Department to test a deployment of the offering”.
CyberASAP, now in its fifth year, is delivered by KTN in partnership with Innovate UK.
Robin Kennedy, co director of the programme at KTN, commented “It is a great endorsement of the potential of these projects that so many have been selected for this year’s CYBERUK. We are looking forward to the event helping progress the commercialisation journeys of these promising products and services – born in academia and developed via CyberASAP.”
The eight CyberASAP Alumni pitching at CYBERUK are as follows:
Botprobe (Year 1)
Botprobe provides a robust, fully managed cyber protection service for homeworkers.
Seclea (Year 3)
Seclea is an innovative SaaS platform that enables organisations to manage and reduce risks associated with AI development and adoption.
SPYDERISK: Automated Risk Assessment for ISO 27001 Certification (Year 3)
Spyderisk makes risk assessment of enterprise IT systems faster and more reliable for cyber security professionals by finding the threats in a system, following the web of attack paths from access to impact, and calculating risks based on threat likelihood and business impact.
Verifiable Credentials (Year 3)
W3C Verifiable Credentials solve privacy and security worries by allowing users to selectively disclose the identity attributes they chose, whenever and to whoever. Verifiable Credentials were the first people in the world to publish a video on YouTube showing COVID-19 certificates being built and used (using W3C Verifiable Credentials).
CyberMind (Year 4)
CyberMIND is the leading AI driven platform to help Cyber professionals to detect, predict and manage stress. The CyberMIND Platform consists of a mobile app, a smart watch app and a web dashboard.
Lupovis (Year 4)
Lupovis is an AI-enabled software innovation provisioning an agile deception environment executing pro-active and offence-centric mitigation strategies for arresting cyber-attacks.
MACRA (Year 4)
MaCRA uniquely provides dynamic assessment of maritime cyber threat, for both Individual vessel operators and organisations, by providing operational-specific, multi-dimensional risk assessment tooling.
Memcrypt (Year 4)
The key focus of MemCrypt technology is to use innovative methods to detect ransomware attacks as they happen in memory, extract the cryptographic keys from such an attack and use the keys to recover encrypted files.
All of the above projects have participated in CyberASAP, a unique pre seed accelerator programme which aims to help convert academic research into commercially viable products and services. The programme has just started its fifth year, and its Alumni have between them raised more than £8m in further investment funding to progress the commercialisation of their projects.
Find out more about the programme and the current teams here.
If you’d like to be involved or support CyberASAP in any way please complete the form here.
CyberASAP is funded by the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and delivered in partnership by KTN and Innovate UK.
*The CyberDen is a closed event (invitation only) at CYBERUK this year.