Institute of Physics Business Awards: now open for applications
The Institute of Physics is encouraging people to enter its annual Business Awards.
Applications for the Institute of Physics (IoP) annual Business Awards are called for by the deadline of 17 May.  The Business Awards recognise the significant contribution that physicists and physics make in industry across all sectors and at all stages – from start-ups to multi-national corporations.
The Business Innovation Award and the new Business Start-Up Award are the only awards in the UK and Ireland recognising companies that have built success on the innovative application of physics.
The Business Innovation Award recognises and celebrates small, medium and large companies that have excelled in innovation, delivering significant economic and/or societal impact through the application of physics.
The Business Start-Up Award recognises and celebrates young companies with a great business idea founded on a physics invention, with a great business growth potential and or the potential of significant societal impact.
Winners will be presented with a trophy by the IoP’s president at a high-profile parliamentary reception attended by senior figures from government and industry. There will also be the opportunity to bring a team to the Awards dinner billed as the ‘community’s annual celebration of the very best of physics’.
To apply, visit the IoP’s Awards platform to start your entry.  If you have any questions, please send them to - include your phone number and a member of the team will get back to you.