Introducing the Net Zero Heat programme's cohort video series

In the UK, 23% of carbon emissions come from heating water and space in our buildings. Primarily that is down to using gas as a heat source. To meet our net zero commitment that has to change, and fast. Innovate UK’s Net Zero Heat programme exists to drive faster innovation that enables that rapid transformation.  

Posted on: 19/09/2023
Net Zero Heat Programme Guru Systems

The good news is that much of the technology needed to upgrade our buildings to net zero already exists, and the most exciting solutions are from UK companies. We are building a cohort of such companies all of whom have been previously supported by Innovate UK and our partners Carbon Limiting Technologies and Sustainable Ventures. Together we can move faster to overcome common barriers that anyone can alone.  

The companies have solutions to Net Zero Heat that range from: detecting where a build fabric is losing heat, through draughtproofing improvements, to decarbonised heat systems and storage. All have their solutions at market but are facing barriers to faster scaling across many more UK homes and other buildings.  

The current membership of the Innovate UK Net Zero Heat cohort.

Established late in 2022, the cohort has worked collectively worked on these barriers through networking and targeted activities. For example, many of the cohort are facing slow and uncertain progress in gaining accreditation onto national retrofit schemes. On behalf of the cohort, Innovate UK, alongside the Energy Systems Catapult and the Sustainable Energy Association, are working with the various accrediting bodies and UK government to provide a smoother and faster process for innovative solutions to be accredited.  

Innovate UK seeks to ensure the UK prospers from being the fastest transitioning economy to Net Zero. Supporting these companies to grow faster means greater returns for the UK economy and better outcomes for UK homes. The sector for large scale retrofit of buildings in the UK needs to grow by a factor of 10 to meet Government targets, with this scale being achieved via a ramping up in activity over the next 5 years. The current cohort membership have between them received £27m of grant funding which has leveraging £83m of private investment. The membership had a combined turnover of £122m in 2022.  

View the full playlist on YouTube or choose from the videos in the selection below.

We’d like for you to get to know the cohort better, and their incredible stories and innovations. The video series has been produced with that aim in mind. We aim to release one every month, so make sure to follow our social media and YouTube channels to watch them as they are released. 

Membership of the cohort is via competitive application, which must meet certain criteria. If you are interested in joining the cohort, please contact

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