Jet Zero Council Zero Emission Flight Delivery Subgroups meet for the first time

The Jet Zero Council was established to provide ministerial and senior industry leadership on efforts to deliver UK capabilities for net zero aviation. To accelerate progress on the council’s objective to develop zero emission flight, a Delivery Group and three sub-groups were established over the summer.
The three Jet Zero Council ZEF subgroups focusing on: Aircraft, chaired by Gary Elliott (CEO, ATI); Infrastructure, chaired by Dave Lees (CEO, Bristol Airport); and Regulation, chaired by Tim Johnson (Policy Director, CAA), met for the first-time week commencing the 10th of October.
Following on from the first ZEF Delivery Group meeting where both long and short-term priorities were deliberated, the three subgroups discussed the immediate action required over the next 24 months to help make zero-emission flight a commercial reality by 2030 from an aircraft, infrastructure, and regulation aspect. This will be fed back to the ZEF Delivery Group for further discussion.
Terms of reference for all three groups were discussed to define scopes, and the need to have clear interdependencies between each subgroup to remain focused on the end goal was agreed upon.
A high number and quality of applications for membership were received for all groups. The groups were well attended by industry representatives from the aviation and aerospace sectors, academia and government representatives from the Department for Transport, and the Department for Business, Energy, & Industrial Strategy.
The JZC ZEF subgroups will meet every quarter. If you would like to become an affiliate member and receive regular updates on progress, please contact Jet Zero ZEF Delivery Group.
Further information on the Jet Zero Council may be found on