KTP Best of the Best Awards
Nominations are now open for the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships “Best of the Best” Awards.
The KTP Best of the Best Awards celebrate the most successful Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, honouring the individuals, partnerships, skills and outcomes that have delivered above and beyond expectations.
Categories for this year are as follows:
Best Knowledge Transfer Partnership Award
This award honours the partnership which has brought the greatest benefits to all three participants, exceeding the expectations set out in their KTP proposal, and which best exemplifies innovation through collaboration.
Engineering Excellence Award
This award celebrates excellence in the application of engineering skills, interpreted in the broadest sense to recognise the continuing evolution of this field.
Business Impact Award
To be considered for the award, a Business must be able to demonstrate significant on-going impact from their KTP beyond the expectations as set out in their Partnership’s original KTP proposal.
Best Future Innovator 
This award is for Associates who have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills, above and beyond the normal expectations of a KTP Associate.
Outstanding Contribution from a Knowledge Base KTP Support Team
This award is for the team that has influenced and supported sustained high-quality performance in KTP or supported and influenced a significant increase in participation in KTP.
The deadline for nominations is midday on Friday 8th March 2019 and the winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in London on Thursday 2nd May 2019.
Unless otherwise stated, eligible KTPs are those of 12 months or more duration that have completed and received an A or B grade from the KTP grading panel between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2018.