Latest update on Horizon 2020 funding if there is no Brexit deal
The UK Government has issued an updated Horizon 2020 Technical Notice regarding ‘no deal scenario’.
An updated technical notice has been published on the Gov.UK website which offers guidance for continued planning in the event of no deal.¬†It is aimed at UK organisations, such as universities and businesses, who are in receipt of Horizon 2020 funding or who are bidding for such funding. It will also be of interest to¬†EU¬†organisations who work with UK participants on Horizon 2020 projects.¬†UK organisations and individuals in receipt of Horizon 2020 funding should continue their project activity in line with the existing terms and conditions set out in any¬†EU¬†grant agreement. Beneficiaries should not terminate their agreement with the‚ÄØEU. Issued in 2018 from Philip Hammond, The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced: “UK organisations that secure funding through EU programmes, from now until the end of 2020, will be guaranteed by the UK government even in a no deal scenario.”
Key points to note:
- In the event of a ‘no deal’ scenario, UK researchers and businesses would be able to apply to and participate in all those Horizon 2020 calls open to Third Country participants from the date of exit, with funding provided via the extension to the guarantee.
- The guarantee covers funding committed to UK Horizon 2020 grant holders. Funding provided to recipients under the guarantee can be used in line with existing arrangements, for example to procure goods or services outside of the UK, provided this is currently permitted.
- UK beneficiaries of Horizon 2020 funding should continue to register on the UKRI portal.
About Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). The UK has secured €5.5 billion of funding to date (13.5% of the total).