Launch of the Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure (DAFNI)
This £8 million investment will provide massive secure data storage, awesome computer power and the next generation in systems visualisation.
This event ‚Äì the launch of DAFNI, the Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure – is a critical next step in data analysis and discovery. This ¬£8 million investment will provide massive secure data storage, awesome computer power and the next generation in systems visualisation.
To ensure a best-fit for industry applications, Innovate UK and the Knowledge Transfer Network, in partnership with the Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium, Ordnance Survey and the Science & Technology Facilities Council will lead a year-long consultation process. We will work with the infrastructure community to develop DAFNI to meet their needs, nationally and globally.
At this event, guests will:
- take a tour the innovation landscape of infrastructure data, analytics, simulation and visualisation,
- explore the benefits that DAFNI’s advanced capabilities will offer to the UK innovation and research community,
- start a year-long process to listen to users – from research, business and policy – on the best way to design and deliver DAFNI;
- give innovators, researchers, infrastructure owners and analysts a head-start in planning how they might use DAFNI when these unique facilities come on-line.
Guests will hear how DAFNI can provide multiple benefits to research, infrastructure, planning and policy communities. It will also introduce the pilot projects that will kick-start the development process and demonstrate DAFNI’s transformative potential.
The programme will be starting a year-long consultation process to ensure that DAFNI’s capabilities can be applied to the management and development of infrastructure systems, so addressing the challenges our society is facing. We’ll be looking for feedback, comments and guidance to create a facility that will transform the way that infrastructure is delivered in the UK and globally.
The launch and consultation event will be held at the Future Cities Catapult, London from 2pm on Thursday 6 July, followed by a drinks reception from 6pm.
Register for the event here
DAFNI is being designed and delivered over the next four years, and is funded by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy via the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It will be developed by the Scientific and Technology Facilities Council at its Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Harwell in Oxfordshire.