Making plastic a rare and precious material
Find out what New Designers speaker Marie Bach Holm thinks about the future of plastics
New Designers 2019 connects over 3000 talented design graduates from around the UK with businesses looking to bring in new design thinking; buyers looking to source the most innovative craft and design; and aspiring students with the widest range of design courses available to explore.¬† Held at London‚Äôs Business Design Centre 26 June ‚Äì 29 June & 3 – 6 July, the show explores every discipline of modern making.
This year KTN are running a session as part of the Talks Programme¬†at 12-12.45¬†on Thursday 4th July entitled ‚ÄòDesigning a circular economy: innovative responses for re-use’.
This talk brings together a wealth of experts including Sally Beken, Head of the UK Circular Plastics Network and Knowledge Transfer Manager for KTN, Marie Bach Holm, CMF designer at Envisage Group, Roy Cox from WRAP and Matt Davies, Senior Industrial Issues Executive from British Plastics Federation to discuss the importance of design in the area of plastics.
One of the speakers Marie Bach Holm gives us an insight into what she will be referring to in her talk and how she envisages the future of plastic as a rare and precious material.
Marie is a Danish Colour and material designer, who graduated from the RCA in 2018 with an MA in Textiles. Before this, she studied textile design in Copenhagen, where her studies were focused on costume and set design. She is currently working as a CMF designer at Envisage group, operating mainly within the automotive industry.
Marie’s final project at the RCA focused on recycled plastic. Imagining a future, where single-use plastic no longer exists, and the only plastic allowed is recycled. In this scenario, our relationship to plastic would completely change. It would become a rare and precious material, creating new uses and types of plastic. E.g. fragile plastics; a plastic material in total opposition to the everyday plastic we use today, created from mixed plastics harvested in the ocean.
‘Personal Plastics’ seeks to challenge the aesthetics and value of recycled plastics, by applying the same knowledge and skill from working with textiles to plastic waste. Using dyeing, printmaking, embossing, spinning and other traditional textile techniques to transform the aesthetics and structure of waste plastic.
We’re looking forward to hearing Marie’s interesting and very topical talk at New Designers.
Tickets for the show are still available on at a 30% discount rate.