New challenges from KTN-iX
Win the chance to pitch to the Challengers who’ve posted live industry problems and, if successful, a commercial opportunity
New challenges have been posted on KTN-iX with ScottishPower Renewables and Smart DCC looking for solutions to live industry problems.
KTN-iX is an online platform that promotes innovation transfer, matching real industry challenges from large companies (Tier 1 and 2) to organisations, often from other sectors, who have innovative technology and can facilitate faster development of novel solutions to those challenges.
Challenges on the platform are in one of three sectors – Offshore Wind, Energy Systems and Nuclear. The solution to challenges could come from diverse sectors – the transfer of skills and knowledge from other sectors is a key driver for the platform.
The current challenges are:
An ‘Innovator Development Portal‚Äô for DCC which would act as the first point of contact for innovators, providing access to guidance, information and development tools. ¬†The portal will help users develop new products and services that make use of the smart metering infrastructure and be a first point of contact for innovators, where they can eventually progress to DCC‚Äôs test labs to verify the physical product or service with the smart metering infrastructure.
Innovative alternatives to non-structural grouting on large offshore wind turbine foundations.  ScottishPower Renewables is considering the use of conventional Monopile (i.e. a single pile) type foundations to support Wind Turbine Generators planned for future offshore wind projects. This concept involves driving a Monopile (MP) into the sea bed and then placing an additional steel structure, the Transition Piece (TP) that contains both secondary steel structures and electrical items, onto the MP. The connection between these two pieces is a bolted flanged connection (the MP-TP connection). It is seeking a robust alternative to protect the MP-TP flange from corrosion which avoids a need for significant offshore work.
The DCC portal challenge closes on 13 December.
The offshore grouting challenge closes on  31 January.
To find out more and submit a response, visit KTN-iX here.