Peer learning and online discussion: using experimental approaches in innovation policies and support schemes

Innovate UK KTN are project partners in a number of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funded projects, including RCT4MANU, which aims to support SMEs with the adoption of digital technologies and getting them ready for Industry 4.0.Watch the event recording and download the slides below.
Download the slides below:
RCT4MANU: Testing an innovative support scheme for manufacturing SMEs
Taftie Task Force EXPERIMENT!
Ininosup Experiments at FFG
Innovation Growth Lab
The RCT4MANU project, delivered by Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN, the Taftie Task Force EXPERIMENT!, led by FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency, and the Innovation Growth Lab by Nesta joint forces and organised a peer-to-peer learning session / online discussion round. This webinar provided an introduction to the Taftie Task Force EXPERIMENT! and included three case studies sharing experiences and lessons learned using experimental approaches to impact evaluation in an innovation policy and innovation support context. This was followed by an open, interactive discussion and Q&A with the audience.
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) offer the opportunity for decreasing the risk for inappropriate or ineffective innovation policies and innovation support schemes. It is estimated that around €152bn pa is spent on business support across Europe, €9.8bn in the UK, yet little effort is done to experiment with new approaches and create evidence about their effectiveness, particularly in OECD economies. This webinar will give you a better understanding if RCTs work as intended, for whom and why they can be powerful for evidence-based decision making.
- Viola Hay, Innovate UK KTN
- Stuart Thompson, Innovate UK
- Sabine Mayer, FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Harald Hochreiter, FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Rob Fuller, Innovation Growth Lab by NESTA
If you want to know more about the RCT4MANU project and RCTs, get in touch with
The RCT4MANU Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824219.