Quantum Technology Round Up March 2019
News, events, reports, funding calls and information relevant to the quantum technology community.
KTN have pulled together all the latest snippets of information for the quantum community into one place. Find out more details about each below, or if you wish to find out more about further opportunities then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our quantum lead Bob Cockshott.
The launch event of UKQNtel – events in Cambridge and Ipswich
UKQNtel is the new quantum network connecting the Quantum Communications Hub at Cambridge to BT Adastral Park. This network is funded by EPSRC and operates on standard commercial fibre provided by BT. It connects the metropolitan section of the EPSRC UK Quantum Network at Cambridge with BT Labs – BT’s Global Research and Development Headquarters. This new network will serve as a test-bed for device and system trials, proof of principle experiments, integration of quantum and conventional communications, and quantum application and service demonstrations for stakeholders, customers and the wider public. Operation on standard commercial fibre and connecting to Adastral Park will enable this new network to showcase UK quantum communications to a wide range of future users, to generate market pull and stimulate adoption.
Choice of two events taking place on 26th March in Cambridge or Adastral Park, Martlesham (near Ipswich)
Click here to register
Quantum Computing Theory in Practice – Bristol
Supported by KTN, the conference will focus on how to use quantum computers to solve some of the grand challenges of our time, such as drug discovery or the development of energy-efficient industrial processes or new catalysts.
Topics will include quantum simulation, computational quantum chemistry and quantum algorithms for solving optimization problems. Speakers will be invited to talk about practical aspects of quantum programming and running experiments on current and imminent quantum computing hardware. The final theme will look to the future, with talks on scaling up quantum computers and new quantum algorithms.
8th – 10th April, Bristol
Click here to register (deadline 15th March)
What’s a nanosecond between friends?
KTN and Cambridge Wireless are holding an event hosted at NPL to review the state-of-the-art in clocks from the highest precision scientific devices to applications driven by cost and power.
The programme includes:
- MEMS oscillators – ¬†Prof Ashwin Seshia, Cambridge
- NPL clock developments – Leon Lobo
- Defence needs – Bryn James, Dstl
- Quantum – Prof Kai Bongs, Birmingham
1st May, NPL, Teddington
Click here to register