Securing Position, Navigation & Timing - What does it mean for your business?
Explore collaboratively the need for back-up Positioning, Navigation & Timing systems across all sectors.
The recently published Blackett report ‘Satellite-derived Time and Position: A Study of Critical Dependencies’ concludes “we must take steps to increase the resilience of our critical services in the event of GNSS disruption, including by adopting potential back-up systems where necessary”.
To this end, KTN would like to invite you to a technology focused seminar, “Securing Positioning, Navigation & Timing”,¬†that is designed to explore collaboratively, with users and providers, the need for back-up systems across all sectors and the contribution that may be made by two wide area systems (STL and eLoran) mentioned in the¬†London Economics report.
Held on the 14th June in London, the meeting is open to all with a professional interest in resilient PNT and is free to attend thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, the Royal Institute of Navigation.
The event aims to provide:
- Summary of the reports’ recommendations and implications
- Mutual understanding of technical needs and capabilities: open dialogue between users and providers
- Briefings from the back-up system providers: status, pros, cons
- Agree outline actions for assessment and potential for use of the systems