Transport funding round-up

Find out about the latest funding calls which are relevant to the Transport sectors. Last updated August 2021.
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Older and ongoing opportunities are below:
To make it easier to navigate the funding landscape KTN has pulled together some of the latest open relevant funding calls for the transport sector. Find out more details about each below, or if you wish to find out more about further funding opportunities then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Transport team.
ATI Programme strategic batch: expression of interest
The ATI Programme represents a £3.9 billion joint government and industry investment to maintain and grow the UK’s competitive position in civil aerospace. This is phase 1 of a strategic batch competition within the ATI Programme. There are 2 phases to each strategic batch competition. If you are successful at phase 2 you will proceed to final approvals and contracting. There are EoI rounds monthly (open for two weeks each month) and details are available on the Innovation Funding Service – click here.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
If you have an idea for your business but not all the in-house expertise needed to develop it, a Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP may be the perfect solution. KTP creates a dynamic three-way collaboration – between a business, a UK university or research organisation, and a suitably qualified graduate (KTP Associate) – to help realise a strategic innovation project, bring about transformative change and embed new capability. KTP has helped over 12,000 businesses in its 45 year history and today there are around 800 live KTP projects spanning all industry sectors right across the UK. Funding competitions for KTP and mKTP are open throughout the year. Talk to your local Knowledge Transfer Adviser in the first instance.
Applications are open all year round, with the next competition closing 2nd February 2022.
Space4Rail Open Call
ESA Business Applications Space4Rail Open Call aims to support the exploitation of space-based assets (satellite navigation, satellite communications and/or Earth observation) in innovative and sustainable applications/services:
related to future control, command and signalling applications of the European Rail system;
improving the performance and attractiveness of the railway, both for railway undertakings and end users.
Project size can be up to €500,000, and up to 50% of the cost can be covered. The open call runs until December 2022. Click here for more details.
Network Rail Challenges
Network Rail have several outstanding challenge statements, each detailing a specific business obstacle that they face, and invite applications to solve these challenges. Funding and support is available for solutions that progress. Click here to find out more.