Energy Catalyst Round 7 Competition Briefing - Webcast recording now available

Posted on: 13/06/2019

A new round of funding is to open to support innovative, market-focused energy solutions in any sector

The aim of this competition is to support highly innovative, market-focused energy solutions in any technology or sector or international market. To be in scope for this round your project must meet the needs of poor households, businesses and services in Sub-Saharan Africa or South Asia. Projects should focus on demonstrating innovative products and services targeted at those people who are unable to afford or access existing solutions, or who lack the time or expertise to successfully use those solutions.

Proposals must also address all 3 elements of the energy ‘trilemma’:

  • cost
  • emissions
  • security of supply and energy access

There are 3 options to apply into this competition. These are referred to as strands and will be run in parallel. The strands are dependent on the stage your project is at:

  • early stage for feasibility studies
  • mid-stage for industrial research
  • late stage for experimental development

To be eligible for funding you must be a UK or international:

  • business
  • research technology organisation (RTO )
  • academic organisation
  • charity
  • public sector organisation

To be eligible for funding for mid and late stage, at least some of the research and development, testing or demonstration activities must be carried out in Sub-Saharan Africa or South Asia. This can be done by either a UK or international partner.

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Energy Catalyst Round 7 Briefing

Want to join in with the live chat? Watch via our YouTube channel.

For more information click here.

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