Winning projects announced for the Agri-tech Catalyst Colombia competition

Posted on: 10/05/2019

Projects focussing on banana, cocoa, tilapia and coffee have been funded through the Agri-tech Catalyst Colombia competition.

The Colombian Prosperity Fund Programme with its implementing partners, Innovate UK and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture – CIAT have announced the seven winning projects for the Agri-tech Catalyst Colombia activity.

In total, 11 companies, 4 non-profit organisations, 4 universities, 2 farmer associations, 2 foundations and 1 public organisation will be part of the projects focussing on banana, cocoa, tilapia and coffee. The selected projects will bring innovation and new technologies from the UK to Colombia, especially to female smallholders.

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The winning projects

All projects launched in April 2019. The successful projects are:

Improving irrigation management to enhance the livelihoods of smallholder banana growers - UK partners: Climate Edge, Environment Systems and Cranfield University. Colombian partner: Fundeban.

Integrated trading platform and data analytics for Colombian small farmers - UK partner: Farming Data Limited. Colombian partners: Región Central, RAP-E, ASOCAFE Manantial and Patrimonio Natural.

Controlling cocoa bean fermentation for enhanced chocolate flavour - UK partners: Vegan Chocolates by Luisa Limited and University of Nottingham. Colombian partner: Fedecacao.

SatCafe – Satellite Remote Sensing for Improved and Sustainable Coffee Production -¬†UK partner: Remote sensing applications Consultant.¬†Colombian partner: GEOLAT SAS and Federaci√≥n Nacional de Cafeteros.

Realising equitable gender opportunities to improve smallholder coffee livelihoods using advances in digital technology - UK partners: CABI, Climate Edge and Assimila. Colombian partner: Cafexport.

Extending and Supporting Tilapia Aquaculture – ESTA -¬†UK partners: Secure Harvests. Ltd and FishGen.¬†Colombian partners: Fundaci√≥n Kristoph van Houtem Romer.

Digitising cacao production in Colombia - UK partners: Agricompas Limited, University of Lincoln and University of Reading. Colombian partners: Fedecacao and Solidaridad Network.

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How did KTN support the Agri-tech Catalyst Colombia?

The KTN Agri-Food Team provided a large amount of support for the Agri-tech Catalyst Activity under the Colombian Prosperity Fund Programme, including running briefing events, assisting with partnering activities, assisting with a mission to Colombia to allow UK delegates to meet Colombian partners and learn more about the specific agricultural challenges, and providing advice on the application process and reviewing draft applications.

The KTN team directly helped at least four of the successful projects listed above.

If you are developing an agri-tech innovation with applications in the developing world you may wish to consider the Agri-Tech Catalyst Round 8 competition, which up to £3 million of funding available for projects working on agri-tech and food chain innovations with partners in eligible African countries.

If you are seeking investment for innovative agri-tech product or service you may wish to apply for KTN’s¬†Agri-Tech Investment Showcase 2019 – the deadline to apply for our investor readiness training programme with a chance to pitch to investors at the Showcase event is 6th June 2019 at 12:00.

You can also find information on the latest competitions and support of relevance to agri-tech in KTN’s Agri-Food Funding Round-up here and you can sign up for our newsletters here.

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