Women in Innovation: Building Success events

Posted on: 08/08/2018

In 2016 research found that just 14% of applicants to Innovate UK funding competitions were women.

Championing the Rise of Women Innovators

This was despite the fact that success rates between men and women were largely equal. Since the first Women in Innovation awards launched in May 2016, this figure has increased to 24%, but we need to go further.

As part of Innovate UK’s second Women in Innovation programme, KTN will be running four Building Success events in Glasgow, Cardiff, London and Belfast. The events will include practical workshops including a Grant Writing Masterclass, finding out exactly what an investor is looking for, KTN’s Innovation Canvas and Market Validation. See below for more details. There will also be talks from keynote speakers, a look at the funding and finance landscape with upcoming opportunities, and a panel session with successful women entrepreneurs from the region. Most importantly these events will provide attendees with plenty of opportunities to network with their peers and learn about the support available to them in their region.

Register to attend one of the Building Success events here:

Cardiff – 5th November 2018 (SOLD OUT)
Glasgow – 28th November 2018 (SOLD OUT)
London – 6th February 2019 (SOLD OUT)
Belfast ‚Äì 20th¬†March 2019¬†(limited places available – note change of date)

Grant Writing masterclass

When applying for a grant it often requires a significant investment of time to put forward a compelling case. Yet grants can be a real enabler in realising your innovative ideas and supporting business growth. So, what are the key elements that make a successful grant application? How can you make your application stand out from the crowd and deliver a competitive business case? Find out during this session.

Innovation Canvas

There are many problems that need to be solved on the way to a successful commercial innovation. We need a framework that poses the questions that a company must address to manage a process that is often tortuous and unpredictable. Borrowing from the model of the Business Model Canvas, KTN has developed an ‘Innovation Canvas’, which is divided into conversation blocks focused on the major issues that must be addressed in the innovation process. Join this workshop to apply your innovation and see which areas you need to focus on.

Market validation

Be equipped with tools and techniques to really gain understanding of your target market. Learn how to build this understanding into your proposed concept. This workshop helps develop a fundamental skill that ensures your concept is aligned with a true market need or challenge. The result? Product development has a clear route to market and the value you offer will be communicated to your customer with conviction.

Investor readiness – what is an investor looking for?

Are you looking to secure investment to grow your business? In this workshop learn about what an investor looks for, how to find committed and interested investors and how to present your business through a memorable pitch.

Learn more about the Women in Innovation Awards 2018 here.

For more information about the events or the Women in Innovation programme please contact Kyra Allen.


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