AI solutions to develop AI competencies in key sectors
UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £2m for AI solutions to support AI upskilling in key sectors; construction, transport, creative, and agrifood.
Opportunity Details
Registration Opens
Registration Closes
Your project’s total eligible grant funding request must be between £50,000 and £100,000. This can cover up to 70% of project costs, depending on business size and project type.
Innovate UK
Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, will invest up to £2 million in innovation projects as part of the BridgeAI programme.
The aim of this competition is to develop responsible and ethical AI personalised learning solutions, to support AI competency development in the key sectors of:
- construction
- transport and logistics
- creative industries
- agriculture and food processing
Your proposal must:
- indicate how your solution could accelerate sector relevant AI competency development in a responsible and ethical manner
- support high quality education through evidence based teaching and learning approaches
- align proposed content with the relevant industry sector standards and the AI Skills for Business Competency Framework with a view to accreditation
- identify proposed learning outcomes
- indicate how your solution supports upskilling and reskilling of the existing workforce in one or more of the key sectors
- identify an end user to pilot your solution
To lead a project or work alone your organisation must:
- be a UK registered business of any size
- be or involve at least one UK registered micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (SME)
To collaborate with the lead, your organisation must be one of the following UK registered:
- business of any size
- academic institution
- charity
- not for profit
- public sector organisation
- research and technology organisation (RTO)
A business can only lead on one application but can be included as a collaborator in two further applications. If an organisation is not leading any application, it can collaborate in any number of applications.
Your project must:
- have a grant funding request of between £50,000 and £100,000
- last between 6 and 10 months
- carry out all of its project work in the UK
- intend to exploit the results from or in the UK
- start by 1 June 2025
- end by 31 March 2026
The aim of this competition is to develop responsible and ethical AI personalised learning solutions, to support AI competency development in the BridgeAI key sectors of:
- construction
- transport and logistics
- creative industries
- agriculture and food processing
Your project must:
- accelerate sector relevant AI competency development in a responsible and ethical manner
- support high quality education through evidence based teaching and learning approaches
- align proposed content with the relevant industry sector standards and the AI Skills for Business Competency Framework with a view to accreditation
- identify proposed learning outcomes
- support upskilling and reskilling of the existing workforce in this competition’s BridgeAI key sectors
- identify an end user to pilot your solution
Your project must focus on:
- developing AI competencies in at least one of the competition’s key sectors
- one or more of the learner personas defined in the AI Skills for Business Competency Framework, including AI Workers, AI Professionals or AI Leaders
- equality, diversity and inclusion in AI focussed personalised learning journeys
An online briefing event was held on Wednesday 13 November: click here to watch the recording.
Click here to download briefing slides.
Key dates
- 11 November 2024: Competition opens
- 13 November 2024Online briefing event
- 29 January 2025 11:00 am: Competition closes
- 10 March 2025: Applicants notified
- 1 June 2025: Project commencement
If you would like help to find a collaboration partner, or have any other queries about the competition, contact Innovate UK Business Connect’s AI team.
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