ARIA: Nature Computes Better
ARIA (the UK Advanced Research & Invention Agency) seek proposals for new computing ideas modelled on natural/biological systems.
In Nature Computes Better, we’re looking to fund high potential proposals with between £10k and £500k each. We initially expect to fund up to 10 opportunity seeds in this space.
We’re looking for bold ideas that could challenge assumptions, open up new research paths, or provide steps towards new capabilities. If you have an important idea you’re obsessed with, but you don’t currently have the resources or support to take it forward, we’d like to hear from you.
Ideas could come from anywhere, so we welcome applications from individuals and teams who are early in their career or who have atypical backgrounds. We care more about your idea and your intrinsic motivation than we do about your CV.
In scope:
- Ideas that sit within the Nature Computes Better opportunity space. By this, we mean your proposal should show how your idea either aligns with or challenges the assumptions of the Summary, Beliefs, or Observations in the opportunity space document.
- Ideas that could change the conversation about what is possible or valuable.
- Ideas that range from early stage fundamental research through to pre-commercial science and technology.
This call for opportunity seed proposals will initially be open for two months, and may be extended to add additional rounds. During this period, we will review each application on a rolling basis, with two funding decision points in February and March as detailed below.
Round 1: Applications open 11 January 2024. We recommend creating an account on our application portal at least 1 day before applying, or by 15.02.24. Round 1 cut off 19.02.24 (16:00 GMT)
Round 2: submissions due early March 2024 (dates tbc).