ARIA: Scalable Neural Interfaces: Opportunity seeds

Up to £500k each for projects to transform understanding of neurological disorders by interfacing in new ways, at scale, with the human brain.

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ARIA will fund high-potential proposals with up to £500k each. ARIA generally do not require matching funds, but welcome proposals for match funding in cases when such funding will strengthen the potential success or the UK benefit of a project.



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ARIA are looking to fund bold ideas within the Scalable Neural Interfaces opportunity space, which asks if we can transform our understanding of neurological disorders by interfacing in new ways – at scale – with the human brain.


If you have a bold idea that you’re obsessed with but don’t have the resources or support to take it forward, we’d like to hear from you. We welcome applications from the entire R&D ecosystem and we’re keen to hear from early career entrepreneurs and researchers, or those who have atypical backgrounds; we care more about your idea and your intrinsic motivation than we do about your CV.

We provide funding from £10k up to £500k per project, inclusive of VAT (where applicable) and all associated costs (both direct and indirect).

There is no minimum length for a proposed project but the maximum length is three years.


In scope:

  • Ideas that sit within the Scalable Neural Interfaces opportunity space. By this, we mean your proposal should show how your idea either aligns with or challenges the assumptions of the Summary, Beliefs, or Observations in the opportunity space;
  • Ideas that could change the conversation about what is possible or valuable;
  • Ideas that range from early stage curiosity-driven research through to pre-commercial science and technology.

ARIA’s programme director for this area, Jacques Carolan, has also provided a summary of their vision on Substack and suggested some possible areas of research.

Out of scope:

  • Ideas that are within scope of the Precision Neurotechnologies programme;
  • Ideas that are undifferentiated or are likely to happen without ARIA’s support;
  • Commercial or close-to-commercial stage products.

If you are unsure of whether or not your idea is in scope, ask ARIA by sending an email to

If you would like help to find a collaboration partner, please contact Innovate UK Business Connect’s Health team.


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