CCAV - CAM (Connected and Automated Mobility) Pathfinder 1 – Feasibility Studies

UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £2m for feasibility studies which target early commercial connected and automated mobility (CAM) opportunities.

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Your project must have a grant funding request of between £50,000 and £250,000. This can cover up to 70% of project costs, depending on business size.


Innovate UK

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The Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) and Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, will work together to invest up to £2 million in innovation projects.

Building on CCAV’s significant achievements, including over £600 million of joint government-industry investment in 100+ projects since 2015, this program and competition underscores the UK’s commitment to advancing CAM as a driver of economic growth and innovation.

The aim of this competition is to target early commercial Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) opportunities and support the UK supply chain to grow and fill technology gaps necessary for their deployment.

Your proposal must strengthen the capabilities of the UK CAM supply chain.

Your proposal must either:

  • evaluate the technical feasibility of using specific technologies, systems or vehicles toward no user in charge (NUIC) ready platforms


  • provide a detailed and evidenced pathway to overcoming key barriers to adoption of CAM services


  • produce an outline business case for CAM technologies and services which focus on opportunities that could operate commercially, without safety drivers, at a specified location in the UK

This is phase 1 of a potential 2 phase competition. Projects must be collaborative.

Selected participants will not only benefit from direct funding (up to £250k per project) but also gain access to support from Innovate UK, Zenzic, and other key stakeholders, offering guidance on proposal development, growth opportunities, and collaboration.

To hear about further opportunities in this area, sign up for the Innovate UK Business Connect Transport Newsletter and we will keep you informed of future funding opportunities in the CAM Sector as they are announced.

  • To lead a project your organisation must be one of:

    • a UK registered business of any size
    • a public sector organisation (local authority or transport authority)
    • an RTO (research and technology organisation)

    You must collaborate with at least one other UK registered organisation (maximum three). To collaborate with the lead, your organisation must be one of the following UK registered:

    • business of any size
    • academic institution
    • charity
    • not for profit
    • public sector organisation
    • research and technology organisation (RTO)

    A business, research and technology organisation (RTO), or public sector organisation can only lead on one application but can be included as a collaborator in one further application. If an organisation is not leading any application, it can collaborate in up to two applications.

  • Your project must:

    • have a grant funding request of between £50,000 and £250,000 (this can cover up to 70% of project costs depending on business size)
    • last between 3 and 11 months
    • carry out all of its project work in the UK
    • intend to exploit the results from or in the UK
    • start by 1 May 2025
    • end by 31 March 2026
  • The aim of this competition is to target early commercial Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) opportunities and support the UK supply chain to grow and fill technology gaps necessary for their deployment.

    Your project must investigate the feasibility of potential solutions to issues encountered by your organisation or the industry, in introducing CAM technologies or services.

    Terminology in your application must comply with the meanings as per BSI Flex 1890 v5.0:2023-03: Connected and automated vehicles – Vocabulary.

  • Your project must focus on one of the following themes:

    Theme 1: Technical Concepts – Vehicle platforms and technology

    Feasibility studies which target the introduction of NUIC ready platforms., including:

    • the application of novel components or technologies
    • subsystems which perform tasks the human driver would typically undertake
    • whole vehicle platform design concepts where the primary focus is the optimal integration of the automated vehicle systems

    Theme 2: Overcoming Barriers

    Feasibility studies to identify and address one or more key barriers toward the safe and secure removal of the safety driver.

    Your project must develop detailed techniques, procedures, agreements or other declared document outputs to overcome the identified barriers to accelerate the adoption of CAM services.

    These outputs shall be made available to the industry, at least in summary form. These may be evidenced with real world cases or examples as appropriate.

    The following are examples of such barriers:

    • operational models, role definitions and liability areas across roles
    • vehicle requirements for vehicle approval, authorisation and service licensing
    • detailed solutions to current obligations within the Code of Practice including training of developers and operators
    • Identifying numerical interpretations for key terms which industry can utilise, for example, careful and competent (drivers), acceptable residual risk, when to stop testing
    • virtual and physical verification and assurance processes
    • data, including collection, reduction, handling, processing, storage on and off-vehicle
    • safety cases, including content of versions for different stakeholders such as ASDE, NUICO, insurance companies, local authorities, emergency services and the public
    • conflicting licencing requirements for multi role automated vehicles, such as post buses, part time bus or delivery vehicles, swap body vehicles
    • insurance engagement and insurance cost modelling
    • infrastructure requirements, including connectivity

    Theme 3: CAM Service – Enabling Near-Term CAM Opportunities

    Feasibility studies to produce an outline business case for a CAM service. This must focus on opportunities that could operate commercially without safety drivers at a specified location in the UK.

    Your project must:

    • investigate viability
    • evaluate technical requirements
    • investigate legal compliance
    • investigate financial modelling
    • evaluate investment needs and customer interest, for near term deployment

    Limited trials are allowed only to support the investigation of feasibility of the service.

  • Watch the recording of the Innovate UK Business Connect online briefing event, held on Thursday 5 December, 10.30am-noon.

    If you would like help to find a project partner, contact Innovate UK Business Connect’s Transport team.


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