CyberASAP Pathfinder 2024
CyberASAP Pathfinder is a three-day bootcamp for academics, providing the necessary guidance and support for researchers to commercialise their ideas.
Opportunity Details
Registration Opens
Registration Closes
Two half day virtual sessions and a two-day in-person bootcamp: programme attendees will gain knowledge, expertise and training to progress commercialisation of their cyber security ideas. For the two-day bootcamp, meals, refreshments and one night’s accommodation will be included.
CyberASAP Pathfinder is a three-day bootcamp for academics, providing the necessary guidance and support for researchers to commercialise their ideas.
A hybrid opportunity co-led by Plexal and Innovate UK KTN, CyberASAP Pathfinder comprises two half day virtual sessions and a two-day in-person bootcamp, all of which is shaped to help participants understand the different commercialisation options available for their research efforts.
After just three days, our programme attendees will find themselves equipped with knowledge, expertise and training so they better understand how to progress commercialisation of their cyber security ideas.
CyberASAP Pathfinder is designed to act as a solid stepping stone for researchers to then move onto CyberASAP (Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme), the only pre-seed accelerator programme in the cyber security ecosystem – now entering its eighth year.
You need to be currently affiliated to a UK University with a cyber security idea to take part in CyberASAP Pathfinder.
CyberASAP Pathfinder is intended to encourage applications to the full CyberASAP programme. Therefore anyone who has previously led a CyberASAP project to completion (developing an MVP/Proof-of-Concept) is not eligible to participate in CyberASAP Pathfinder.
When considering applications we will primarily use the definition of cyber security as included in the National Cyber Strategy 2022
“The protection of internet-connected systems (to include hardware, software and associated infrastructure), the data on them, and the services they provide, from unauthorised access, harm or misuse. This includes harm caused intentionally by the operator of the system, or accidentally, as a result of failing to follow security procedures or being manipulated into doing so.”
We will consider cyber security ideas which are outside this definition – including those that address/mitigate online harms (safety tech) – on a case-by-case basis.
Key dates
Thursday 18 January 2024: preliminary half-day online workshop (Afternoon)
Thursday 25 – Friday 26 January 2024: in-person two day bootcamp in Birmingham
Wednesday 31 January 2024: concluding half-day online workshop (Afternoon)
There is no charge to attend CyberASAP Pathfinder. For the two-day bootcamp, meals, refreshments and one night’s accommodation (night of Thursday 25th January) will be included but you are responsible for funding and arranging your travel to/from the venue.
Early application is advised as exceptional circumstances may require the organisers to close applications early.
Related programme

The only pre-seed accelerator programme in the cybersecurity ecosystem, CyberASAP (Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme) plays a unique and vital role in supporting cyber security innovation and commercialisation.