DASA competition: PYRAMID for avionics and mission systems (phase 1)

This Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) competition is to accelerate the adoption of PYRAMID Reference Architecture (PRA) in avionics and mission systems.

Opportunity Details


Registration Opens


Registration Closes



The total possible funding available for this competition is £4 million (excluding VAT), and a number of proposals with a maximum duration of 22 months will be funded.



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In 2014 the MOD launched PYRAMID, an initiative to design and develop an Open System Architecture (OSA) for all Air Mission Systems that would enable a step change in affordability and rapid adaptability. The project aimed to mature not only the technical solution for a comprehensive air system architecture applicable to new and extant systems, but also address the business change within MOD and UK companies, and demonstrate compliance with airworthiness certification and security accreditation regulations.

This Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) competition is concerned with adoption of and compliance with the PYRAMID Reference Architecture (PRA) in avionics and mission systems, making them align with the high profile initiative to deliver rapid adaptability and systematic reuse.

This DASA Competition will give you the opportunity (and funding) to align new, or modify existing, programmes to demonstrate compliance with PYRAMID, providing not only the benefits that come with this approach but enhanced compatibility with major air programmes.

In return, the Authority seeks access to the learning accrued during the journey in adoption and compliance with the PRA, including lessons learnt, challenges faced in the adoption, suggestions of potential improvements, and implications to your systems, including information/data, as applicable, with suggested refinements and updates to the PYRAMID Reference Architecture, and associated documentation.

Who can apply?

DASA submissions are welcome from the private sector, academia, individuals (i.e. sole traders) and Public Sector Research Establishments (PSREs).


The PYRAMID technical solution, based around the PRA, was released in early 2022 and, as an indication of Air Command’s Commitment to the programme, it moved into the Transition Phase which is focused on the national and international adoption of PYRAMID. The PRA and associated documentation has been issued under the Open Government Licence and is already being exploited through mandates on specific projects including the Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP). International adoption is largely being addressed through Project Arrangements for international collaboration and close working with international acquisition programmes.

PYRAMID has been shown to be fully compatible with major international initiatives and standards including the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE®) Technical Standard.

An E-Learning package is being developed which will be available for successful bidders and may be supported by a 2-3 day tutor led virtual training course.

Funding through this competition is for adoption of the PRA and demonstrating PRA compliance in avionics systems. Anything other than this will be considered out of scope for this competition.

Briefing and support

Dial-in session

14 November 2024 – A dial-in session providing further detail on the competition and a chance to ask questions in an open forum. If you would like to participate, please register on the Eventbrite page.

One-to-one teleconference sessions

22 November 2024 – A series of 15 minute one-to-one teleconference sessions, giving you the opportunity to ask specific technical questions to the competition team in a closed forum. If you would like to participate, please register on the Eventbrite page but please note that you will not be able to reserve slots until after the webinar event on 14 November.

Please attend the dial in session or reach out to your local Innovation Partner if you have more general questions on DASA or the application process.

You can also contact Innovate UK Business Connect’s Security & Defence team.

Expression of Interest

If you are uncertain of the relevance of your innovation, you are strongly recommended to contact your Innovation Partner to discuss sending a 500 word Expression Of Interest (EOI). Once your EOI has been submitted via your Innovation Partner, you should receive a response within 2 weeks, confirming whether or not your idea is in scope. DASA cannot guarantee a response to an EOI submitted after the 16 December 2024, 4 weeks before the competitions closes.

Your EOI should include:

  • what your overall avionics system is
  • The programme size and exploitation path
  • How you intend to undertake the work necessary to demonstrate compliance with the PRA

You will be required to confirm whether or not you have submitted an EOI and what the outcome was, when you submit your proposal. Submitting an EOI is not a mandatory criteria of this competition.


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