Diabetes – Remote HbA1c Open Innovation Challenge
The Scottish Health Industry Partnership (SHIP), part of the Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (CSO) is funding a Diabetes – Remote HbA1c Open Innovation Challenge. Applicants can apply for a share of a total challenge fund of £250,000, inclusive of VAT split across two phases.
Opportunity Details
Registration Opens
Registration Closes
A total of £80,000 is assigned to phase 1, with projects up to total costs of £20k each inc VAT, for a period of 3 months. Phase 2 is expected to award 2 contracts to develop a prototype and undertake field testing for up to 12 months, up to total costs of £55k each inc VAT.
Scottish Government
The Scottish Health Industry Partnership (SHIP), part of the Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (CSO) is funding a Diabetes – Remote HbA1c Open Innovation Challenge.
The challenge is now open for applications until 11 am on Monday 05th June 2023.
To lead a project, you can:
- be any type of organisation of any size, registered in the UK, European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) that can demonstrate a credible and practical route to market.
- work alone or with others from business, research organisations, research and technology organisations or the third sector as subcontractors.
You must:
- work in conjunction with one of the NHS Scotland Innovation test beds to deliver R&D services (contact details at the link below)
- provide details of certification and compliance with relevant standards, accreditation and regulatory approval for well-developed prototypes.
Contracts will be awarded to a single legal entity only.
Project must respond to all three requirements of the challenge:-
- Data driven approach to risk stratification and prioritisation: Identification of a clinically meaningful patient population at risk of T2DM or with existing diabetes in whom at home HbA1c may help support a virtual/hybrid care model
- Demonstrate an effective user friendly self-collection blood test kit, validation of the sample volume, quality and analytical performance. This includes the ability to distribute to identified patients ensuring linkage within the request of sample to patient, return for analysis and instructions for use of test and return of samples by the patient
- Demonstrate viable service for distribution of self-collection kit to patients and return to a UKAS accredited laboratory or by a UKAS accredited point of care testing facility (POCT) (ISO15189) method for analysis. Either the sample or the result to return to NHS infrastructure for integration within the patient record.
Applicants can apply for a share of a total challenge fund of £250,000, inclusive of VAT split across two phases. The challenge ambition is to support pre-commercial experimental development, feasibility testing and evidence gathering to enable commercial procurement across NHS Scotland.
A virtual briefing event to provide further background and an opportunity for applicants to ask questions will take place on Tuesday 28th March 2023 10:00am-12:00pm. Please register at SBRI Diabetes Catalyst Challenge (SHIP) for the Remote HbA1c monitoring launch event
Further information on the competition is available here Diabetes Care – Remote HbA1c Monitoring – Scotland Innovates (innovator.scot).