Game Changers Challenge - Characterisation and measurement of materials for effective nuclear waste management

Sellafield Ltd is pursuing innovative solutions to accelerate the in-situ real-time characterisation and measurement of materials through in-field testing capabilities.

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Feasibility grants of up to £10,000 to support an initial exploration of ideas and concepts. Ideas showing early promise can be awarded larger proof of concept grants.



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Innovate UK is supporting FIS360 in the promotion of the Game Changers innovation programme, which finds solutions for complex nuclear industry challenges. Apply now to this Sellafield Ltd challenge, which focusses on innovative solutions to accelerate the characterisation and measurement of materials through in-field testing capabilities.

Sellafield Ltd is pursuing innovative solutions to accelerate the characterisation and measurement of materials through in-field testing capabilities. The objective is to shift from traditional lab-based methods to in-situ analysis capable of detecting a wide range of radiological and chemical characteristics (quantitatively and qualitatively) across various site environments, aiming to drastically shorten the current 12-week data collection and analysis timeframe.

Key requirements include identifying radiological and chemical hazards such as heavy metals, asbestos, petroleum hydrocarbons, and volatile compounds. Solutions must be portable or remotely deployable, able to operate in radioactive environments, and capable of assessing a wide range of waste materials, including metals, concrete, soil, and personal protective equipment.

The challenge aims to improve safety by reducing the need for intrusive sampling in hazardous areas, thereby lowering exposure to dangerous materials. In addition, faster in-situ testing will free up laboratory capacity, streamline operations, and reduce delays in waste management.

Proposed technologies should be easy to deploy, plug-and-play, and capable of delivering accurate data much faster than current methods. By addressing this challenge, Sellafield Ltd aims to improve safety, reduce commercial risk, lower costs, and support its broader decommissioning mission. The ideal solution will speed up decision-making, enhance efficiency, and ensure more effective waste management across the site.

Briefing webinar

Game Changers will be hosting a challenge briefing webinar at 10:30am on Thursday, 14 November 2024. Delegates will have the chance to hear directly from the challenge owners and ask questions.
Register here for the briefing webinar.

The closing date for applications is Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at 3pm.

More information about the funding process.

Frequently asked questions, including further details of the available funding.


Any organisation of any size can apply for funding through Game Changers including SMEs, Higher Education Institutions, Research and Technology Organisations and public bodies. Companies who apply for funding must be registered with Companies House. International organisations can also apply for funding. Certain exemptions may apply depending on the nature of the challenge.

More information and a detailed challenge statement can be found on the Game Changers website at the link below.


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