Horizon Europe Guarantee Extension (third wave)
The UK government has announced a new scheme that guarantees funding for successful applicants to the third wave of Horizon Europe grant awards regardless of the outcome of the UK’s efforts to associate to Horizon Europe.
The guarantee is a short term measure intended to address the delays in formalising the UK’s association to Horizon Europe. To provide reassurance, the government has guaranteed funding for the first three waves of eligible, successful applicants to Horizon Europe with call deadlines up to 31 December 2022, if they are unable to sign their grant agreements with the EU.
This funding route is for collaborative research and innovation calls under Pillars 1, 2 and EIC calls under Pillar 3. ERC and MSCA calls are being routed through the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system. N.B. KICs 2022 activities are being routed through a separate IFS competition template.
Eligibility and scope
You will be eligible to register with UKRI for the Horizon Europe guarantee through this route if you are a UK-based organisation which has been successful through a Horizon Europe call in scope of the guarantee. For the consortium-style grants, you must remain a partner on the project and be listed on the Horizon Europe grant agreement as an Associated Partner.
If you need support with the application process, email us at heguarantee@iuk.ukri.org or call 0300 321 4357. Our phone lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
You can also contact Innovate UK KTN’s European Programmes team.