Innovation Exchange challenge: Environmentally Valid Weed Prevention

The iX programme is supporting Ringway and VINCI Facilities to find environmentally better alternatives to glyphosate herbicides for the suppression of weeds around the built environment.

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Successful applicants will be given an opportunity to pitch to Ringway and VINCI Facilities. Winning solutions will have the opportunity to be collaboratively developed with Ringway and VINCI Facilities leading to control trials over a growing season in selected locations.

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Ringway and VINCI Facilities are both engaged specifically in the operation and maintenance of built assets for UK local authorities and major asset owners, including obligations around the control of weeds. Both are part of large international organisations that are targeting more sustainable outcomes for the environment and ecology with a hard target of eliminating the need for glyphosate as a weed killing method. Historically, glyphosate products have been developed that are extremely effective for the suppression of weeds and see widespread use around the built environment (urban areas, roads, footpaths and other built assets). Typically, 3 treatments are used per growing season via deployment by either a person with a knapsack sprayer targeting specific weeds, or by a quad bike sprayer for area suppression and some vehicle applications on carriageways. Whilst glyphosate is currently a permitted herbicide under HSE authorisation, it is increasingly understood to be an ecologically undesirable material that can be both directly harmful to the environment and to humans. Alternative solutions have been trialed in the past but although commercially available they have proved either ineffective, or only practicable and cost-effective for large expanses such as civic squares or carparks.

Solutions, or approaches, are sought that could offer greater efficacy to current manual weed removal techniques.  Such approaches must be significantly less harmful to the environment, its ecology and people than glyphosate-based treatments; particularly effects on humans, insects and bees, the soil biome, wildlife and water courses.

The current approach using glyphosate-based solutions is very flexible, often deployed by a lone worker with a knapsack sprayer, allowing cost-effective reliable treatment of individual weeds in hard to access areas without any costly work-in-way such as traffic management. Hard to access areas include:

  • Between parked vehicles and walls
  • Edges of footways
  • Around roadside features (lighting, control boxes, street furniture)

Market mature alternatives have already been evaluated and found wanting. Consequently, solutions that are at a middle Technology Readiness Level (TRL4-6) are sought that are likely to need some element of development, to be ready for trial within 2 years.

High TRL market ready solutions are in scope, particularly as Technology Transfer from other sectors such as Agriculture.  Longer timeline, transformative lower TRL solutions are of interest and encouraged, particularly where they have the potential to fully address all of the requirements.   Submissions should clearly state the Technology Readiness level of the proposed solution.

Solutions are welcomed that could supress weeds through:

  • Herbicidal reaction
  • Mechanical techniques
  • Physical techniques
  • Other viable systems

This challenge is very open: other viable solutions might include, and are certainly not limited to:

  • Exploiting flora that will prevent weed germination / growth
  • Autonomous systems

It is emphasised that submissions should address both the treatment and practicable field deployment.

Who can apply?

Entrants to this competition must be established businesses, academic institutions, start-ups, SMEs, or individual entrepreneurs, who are UK based or have the intention to set up a UK base.

Rewards and market opportunity

The market opportunity is considerable; successful solutions would have validity across the built-environment globally (urban areas, transport infrastructure etc) as well the domestic market, the total UK glyphosate market (including agriculture) is circa £10-20m, the global market is circa £10bn.

Successful applicants will be given an opportunity to pitch to Ringway and VINCI Facilities. Winning solutions will have the opportunity to be collaboratively developed with Ringway and VINCI Facilities leading to control trials over a growing season in selected locations.  Collaboration could include Collaborative Research and Development consortia, direct funding, discrete limited field trials, controlled field trials.

The benefits package for a successful applicant may also include:

  • International dissemination of solutions through parent company innovation networks and databases
  • Support from Innovate UK Business Connect
  • Support in the development of a prototype or pilot
  • Technical support
  • Invitation to attend or present at Innovate UK Business Connect events
  • A potential business collaboration
  • Investor introductions (if investment is required)
  • Support, if any Innovate or similar competitions are relevant.

Visit the Innovation Exchange site at the link below to see full technical and functional requirements.


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