Innovation Exchange Challenge: Nature inclusive solutions for floating offshore wind farms

The iX programme is supporting Ocean Winds (a 50-50 joint venture of ENGIE and EDP Renewables) to find innovators that can provide a solution to offshore wind industry’s nature inclusive designs challenge for floating offshore wind farms.

Opportunity Details


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Selected solution provider(s) may have the opportunity to present their solution to Ocean Winds. It is also possible that further activities may be undertaken with Ocean Winds, such as product trials. This is not guaranteed and will be solely at the discretion of Ocean Winds.

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The offshore wind industry is building wind farms in increasingly deeper waters, which has led to the use/planned use of floating foundations that are more suited to deeper water. Floating offshore wind farms are different to bottom-fixed offshore wind farms that are comprised of foundations that are fixed to the seabed. A floating offshore wind farm is instead based on floating or suspended infrastructure, including a floating foundation structure, moored to the seabed, and the partially suspended dynamic cables. The floating wind sector is currently in early stages of development with a little bit over 200MW installed globally. Ocean Winds is positioned as global leader in the sector and is gathering knowledge and experience from the asset in operation and construction.

A key driver for the requirement of this solution is the likely inclusion of Marine Net Gain (MNG) legislation for infrastructure developments in the coming years. MNG is the requirement to leave the environment in a better state than it was prior to development of a project. There is already an onshore/terrestrial approach to this, termed Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), however it is unclear at this time whether MNG will take a similar approach, because the marine environment poses some more complex challenges in relation to measuring/assessing and implementing improved biodiversity.

As such in the offshore locations of the floating wind farms, an operator such as OW must find ways to coexist with the surrounding environment and natural wildlife. Considering the newness of the floating sector and the drivers aforementioned, there is a lack of experience in sector when it comes to nature inclusive designs for floating windfarms which OW intends to understand and answer.

The Challenge

Ocean Winds is seeking a solution to improve the nature inclusivity of the design of floating wind farms to help promote biodiverse marine life on and around the wind farms.

Nature Inclusive Designs (NIDs) are an emerging method for promoting biodiversity on structures in the marine environment. The NIDs currently being trialled within the offshore wind sector tend to be associated with bottom-fixed offshore wind farms and used in place of rock protection for cables and scour protection at the base of turbine foundations. This is where the potential for an innovative approach to NIDs is required. Due to a lack of bottom-fixed foundations on a floating offshore wind farm, and the dynamic nature of the mooring chains and cables, the typical areas for inclusion of NIDs are limited. Henceforth, Ocean Winds is seeking a solution to enable NIDs to be utilised on floating wind farms.

Ocean Winds would particularly welcome innovation in the following specific areas:

  • Cable Protection for inter-array cables suspended in the water column.
  • Improved biodiversity on or surrounding floating WTG anchors.
  • Improved biodiversity on floating structures below the waterline.
  • EMF reduction on mid water cables.

Whilst not limiting the technologies from solution providers, it is expected that solutions would
consider innovations from some of the following areas:

  • Environmental sectors.
  • Built environment.
  • Marine engineering.
  • Electrical engineering.

To meet the desired timescale and risks, it is preferred that the proposed solution, or the key part(s) of the solution, has been commercially proven in other sectors, but this is not essential. Ideally, solutions should be TRL 5+ or deployable for field tests within one years of competition closure, but Ocean Winds will also consider earlier stage technology.


Entrants to this competition must be:

  • Established businesses, academic institutions, start-ups, SMEs, or individual entrepreneurs.
  • UK based or have the intention to set up a UK base.

Rewards & Market Opportunity

Successful applicants will be given an opportunity to pitch to Ocean Winds. Selected solutions may be trialled by Ocean Winds with potential for further adoption if trials are successful.

The solution has potential to be deployed across Ocean Winds sites and is applicable to the entire global offshore wind industry.

The benefits package for a successful applicant may also include the following from Innovate UK Business Connect:

  • Support identifying the route for development of a prototype or pilot.
  • Technical support.
  • Invitation to attend or present at Innovate UK Business Connect events
  • Investor introductions – if investment is required.
  • Support if any Innovate UK or similar competitions are relevant.

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Innovation Exchange

Innovation Exchange

Innovate UK Innovation Exchange is a cross-sector programme supporting innovation transfer by matching industry challenges to innovative companies from other sectors. It does this by putting large businesses with technical needs in contact with companies who have the right innovative solutions, for faster development of novel solutions.


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