Live course: Assessing and mitigating bias and discrimination in AI

Join our live training course, led by The Alan Turing Institute in collaboration with Holistic AI, to explore the impact, legislative contexts, and practical mitigation of bias in AI development across the agriculture, construction, creative and transport sectors.

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Live training course with professional networking and expert guidance


The Alan Turing Institute

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About the course

Dive into the world of bias in AI with our live virtual course, led by The Alan Turing Institute in collaboration with Holistic AI. Developed by The Alan Turing Institute and Holistic AI as part of the Innovate UK BridgeAI programme, this 2-day course delves into the intricacies of bias in machine learning algorithms.

If you are interested in learning how bias manifests in training data and unintentionally influences the learning phase and would like to engage in meaningful discussions with experts and peers, dissecting how these concepts apply in the specific contexts of your sector, this course is for you.

  • This course is tailored for a technical audience, specifically SMEs in BridgeAI’s priority sectors including agriculture, construction, creative industries and transport.

    If you have had exposure to machine learning concepts and experience developing and implementing ML models in Python using Jupyter or Google Colab notebooks, this course is ideal for you.

    • Engaging learning experience: Free, interactive live course with expert instructors and hands-on practice tasks.
    • Sector networking: Network with organisations facing similar challenges in your sector, fostering knowledge sharing and shared lessons.
    • Tailored learning Resources: Access learning materials, examples, case studies, and practice tasks designed to be directly relevant to your sector.

    The course will enable you to:

    • Describe foundational ideas linking philosophy, law, and fairness concerns in AI.
    • Explain legislative and regulatory contexts, offering insights into bias mitigation.
    • Assess techniques and metrics for measuring bias, understanding trade-offs.
    • Implement debiasing as both a pre-processing and post-processing step.
    • Transport: 1 & 8 May 2024
    • Agriculture/AgriFood: 15 & 22 May 2024
    • Creative Industries: 29 May & 5 June 2024
    • Construction: 12 & 19 June 2024

Who is The Alan Turing Institute?

The Alan Turing Institute is the national institute for data science and AI, tackling big challenges in science, society, and the economy through research. The Institute is committed to advancing the world-changing potential of data science and artificial intelligence while promoting ethical and responsible use.


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