Scottish EDGE Round 23
Scottish EDGE, Scotland’s biggest business funding competition, offers grants & loans from £10k to £100k to grow your startup, social enterprise or charity.
Scottish EDGE is a funding competition aimed at identifying and supporting Scotland’s innovative, high growth potential entrepreneurial talent.
Funded by the Hunter Foundation, the Royal Bank of Scotland, the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise and private donors, the competition is delivered twice per year and has supported 569 early-stage Scottish businesses with over £25m in award funding.
There are four categories of awards in this year’s competition:
Scottish EDGE: For early-stage companies/social enterprises across all sectors, offering funding of up to £100,000 on a split grant/loan basis. This category also includes five special accolade awards: Net Zero EDGE, STV Growth EDGE, Creative EDGE, Circular Economy EDGE, and Scotland Food & Drink EDGE.
Young EDGE: For companies where all directors are under the age of 30 offering a grant only award of up to £15,000.
Wild Card EDGE: For pre-trading companies, sole-traders and partnerships, offering a grant only award of up to £15,000.
Social Enterprise EDGE: For Social Enterprises who clearly demonstrate how their business enriches communities and makes a contribution to society. Up to £75,000 (70% Grant / 30% Loan).
You can only submit one application per round to be entered into the Scottish EDGE, Social Enterprise EDGE, Young EDGE, or Wild Card EDGE category, where eligibility permits. All applications must be submitted using the Scottish EDGE Online Application Portal.
The application process consists of each business completing the Scottish EDGE Online Application Form and producing a 3-minute video presentation.
Read the 2024 Competition Brochure for in-depth guidance on your application.
Applications close at 2pm on Monday 6 March 2024.