Dr Becky Bolton
Knowledge Transfer Manager – Advanced Manufacturing

I work within the Materials and Manufacturing team as a Knowledge Transfer Manager in Advanced Manufacturing. My role is to engage with businesses and innovators in the UK Manufacturing sector to support growth and innovation on the path to achieving net zero. I also support the Made Smarter and Reimagining Materials and Manufacturing programmes.
I can assist you in identifying funding and investment opportunities, involve you in our events and connect you across our innovation network, and inspire you with the latest innovation within our communities. My goal is to advance the industry through digitalisation and other technological enhancements for the benefit of the UK economy and a greener future.
Before joining Innovate UK Business Connect, I was a technology transfer fellow at SPECIFIC, Swansea University, where my aim was to bridge the gap between academia and industry as I worked on the scale-up of novel perovskite solar technology. During both my doctorate and postdoctoral positions, I developed a passion for industrial manufacturing and the problem-solving talent required to go from lab-scale to commercial-scale. I have an EngD in Materials Science and Engineering, specialised in electrochemistry and corrosion prevention.
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