Mehdi Tavakoli
Knowledge Transfer Manager - Health

I co-founded the Medical Devices Faraday Partnership in 2002 and then worked as the Technical Director of the HealthTech & Medicines for many years, continuing as a Knowledge Transfer Manager on NHS Infrastructure, Medical Technology and Therapies.
Between 1989-2014 I worked as a Technology Manager and Consultant at TWI Ltd, leading on Medical Industry activities. I have developed a range of medical and implantable devices, and published over 70 papers and patents.
My key roles are supporting innovations in healthcare and product commercialisation in close collaboration with Innovate UK, DHSC, NHS, NICE, MHRA, DIT and other stakeholders, including many charities. I also have a track record in supporting clinicians/industry collaborations.
I have been a Steering Committee member of many healthcare schemes, including three NIHR MICs. I was also a visiting Professor of Medical Materials and Medical Devices at University of Strathclyde and previously at Queen Mary University of London.
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