Driving the Electric Revolution: UK Power Semiconductors Landscape Report

This report from the UKRI Driving the Electric Revolution Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, highlights the UK’s capabilities and needs specifically in the area of power semiconductors (power chips).

Posted on: 09/04/2024

Driving the Electric Revolution UK Power Semiconductors Landscape Report - Fantastic CPU of the future background. Generative AI

This report assesses the UK’s power semiconductor supply chain and the power packaging that such devices go into. A team of independent industry experts were convened to agree on areas for deeper investigation, and interviews were conducted with a portion of suppliers representing these focus areas. This interim report also outlines the scope for further work in terms of speaking with more industry partners, specifically in the areas of Gallium Nitride and legacy, silicon front end manufacturing.

“It is vital that proactive national strategic initiatives are undertaken, to ensure that the UK has the necessary power semiconductor capabilities in a sustainable form to meet the UK’s technological and economic aspirations and net zero commitments going forward. This is important because power semiconductors will enable new low cost, high performance, carbon-neutral applications to be created.”

Venn Chesterton, Deputy Challenge Director – Driving the Electric Revolution Challenge, Innovate UK

Key findings

The report details recommendations for strengthening the UK’s power semiconductor and power electronics supply chain around four key initiatives:

  1. Putting UK front end activities onto a sustainable footing.
  2. Take a differentiated route in packaging (back end).
  3. Power chips talent development.
  4. Unlock the UK’s power electronics and power semiconductor ecosystem.

The research and analysis undertaken during this report has flagged up a number of opportunities and threats for the UK power semiconductor industry and the wider power electronics ecosystem.

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Contact us

To discuss this report further with the authors, please email Venn Chesterton, Deputy Challenge Director – Driving the Electric Revolution, Innovate UK

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