Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society aims to meet EU goals and priorities on enhancing democratic governance and citizens participation, on the safeguarding and promotion of cultural heritage, and on responding to and shaping multifaceted social, economic, technological and cultural transformations.

Introduction to Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

Cluster 2, like other Horizon Europe Clusters, is divided into Destinations. A Destination can be understood as a theme within the broader challenge.

In the first Destination, Innovative research on democracy and governance, actions will reinvigorate democratic governance and improve trust in democratic institutions. They will help safeguard fundamental rights to empower active and inclusive citizenship. By doing so, they will also strengthen accountability, transparency, effectiveness and trustworthiness of rule of law-based institutions and policies. Activities will protect liberties and the rule of law, and shield democracy from multidimensional threats. They will aim to expand political participation, social dialogue and social inclusion, civic engagement and gender equality.

In the second Destination, Innovative research on European cultural heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries, activities will promote better access and engagement with cultural heritage and improve its protection, enhancement and restoration. Research and innovation will support sustainable growth and job creation through the cultural and creative industries and contribute to integrate them into the European industrial policy as drivers for innovation and competitiveness.

Through the third Destination, Innovative research on social and economic transformations, actions will help tackle social, economic and political inequalities, support human capital development and contribute to a comprehensive European strategy for inclusive growth. This also involves understanding and responding to the impacts of technological advancements and economic interconnectedness with a view to social resilience.

Funding areas

  • democracy
  • cultural heritage
  • social and economic transformations

Work Programme summary and download

This Work Programme outlines the Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society Cluster funding opportunities.

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Horizon Europe funding opportunities

All open calls are listed on the European Commission’s Funding and tender opportunities database.

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Culture and Creativity Partnerships

EU Partnerships related to this Cluster are:

Introduction to EU Missions

EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. EU Missions are a coordinated effort by the Commission to pool the necessary resources in terms of funding programmes, policies and regulations, as well as other activities.

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Introduction to EU Partnerships

EU Partnerships are initiatives where the EU, national authorities and/or the private sector jointly commit to support the development and implementation of a programme of research and innovation activities.

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Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

Our Expert

Kim Littlewood

Horizon Europe UK National Contact Point (NCP) - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

Email Kim

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