Horizon Europe Pump Priming

The programme supports individual UK SMEs wanting to explore and access Horizon Europe collaborative research and innovation opportunities.

This programme is delivered by Innovate UK Business Growth.

The Horizon Europe Pump Priming Programme is an Innovate UK initiative. It supports individual UK small to medium sized companies wanting to explore and access Horizon Europe collaborative research and innovation opportunities.

It is a step towards participating in projects across a wide range of sectors under Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe priorities and Pillar 3 EIC Pathfinder and Transition opportunities.

Successful applicants will have access to grant funding of up to £6,000 (including VAT) and are advised to work with a UK National Contact Point in support of their project. Applicants are also given access to a highly experienced Innovate UK Business Growth innovation and growth specialist if they are not already a client, to further support their innovation and growth journey.

Delivered by Innovate UK Business Growth, the Horizon Europe Pump Priming Programme aims to enable individual UK SMEs to:

  • Explore opportunities for collaborative research and innovation under Horizon Europe Pillar 2 Clusters, Missions and European Partnerships, and Pillar 3 EIC Pathfinder and Transition programmes.
  • Seek networking and partnership opportunities with European organisations, multipliers and networks, with the aim of developing a consortium and applying to Horizon Europe.
  • Gain access to European Partnerships, Joint Undertakings and sector-relevant associations, including contribution towards membership costs.
  • Contribute towards travel costs to meet with potential consortia and partners.
  • Contribute towards Horizon Europe proposal development (i.e. contribution towards salary costs of employees working on proposals).

Programme eligibility

Standard Innovate UK eligibility requirements apply:

  • UK registered business
  • Business is trading and not a holding or dormant company
  • Business has fewer than 250 employees
  • The support to be provided will not exceed their rolling three-year Minimal Financial Assistance Allowance
  • Applications must identify a specific Horizon Europe Pillar 2 or Pillar 3 call and the topic to which they will apply.
  • Applications to Pillar 3 must be part of a collaborative Horizon Europe project.
  • Funding must be used to target calls and topics from the Horizon Europe 2024 work programmes.
  • Applicants will be required to work with a UK National Contact Point and engage with Innovate UK Business Growth.

There is more information about Horizon Europe on our website.

To register your interest, please contact your Innovate UK Business Growth innovation and growth specialist (if already an existing client) or contact us.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is an opportunity for all types of UK organisations (including businesses and academia) to get funding for research and innovation. For UK businesses this is an opportunity to collaborate with partners with the right expertise to expand markets and accelerate innovation across Europe and internationally.

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