Research Infrastructures

Research Infrastructures are facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to conduct research and foster innovation.

Research Infrastructures

A programme of Excellent Science

You are currently exploring Research Infrastructures, one of the three programmes under the “Excellent Science” category (pillar 1). This is your starting point to see if your innovation aligns with the funding opportunities under RI. Is it the right fit for your project?

Research Infrastructures (RI) support not only research but also education and public services, and can be single-sited, distributed, or virtual. RI grants fund projects at various stages, from concept development to advancing an RI via the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap. It supports thematic objectives or collaborations through RI services. RI projects typically consist of large consortia of partners, from both academic and industrial backgrounds.

Research infrastructure (in the Horizon Europe definition, for purposes of grants) can include:

  • Major scientific equipment or sets of instruments
  • Collections, archives, or scientific data
  • Computing systems and communication networks
  • Any other research and innovation infrastructure of a unique nature which is open to external users


The Research Infrastructures Work Programme

Funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe programme for Research Infrastructures, this Work Programme document outlines the expected impacts as set out by the Excellent Science strategic plan and details specific calls for proposals and their relevant conditions to apply. Review this information before beginning your application process.

Summary and download for Research Infrastructures


Calls in the Research Infrastructure Work Programme are under the following thematic areas, or Destinations:


Developing, consolidating, and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership



Enabling an operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem



Research infrastructure services to support health research, accelerate the green and digital transformation, and advance frontier knowledge



Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods and advanced digital solutions



Network connectivity in research and education – enabling collaboration without boundaries. All open and upcoming calls are listed on the European Commission’s Funding and Tender opportunities database.


Review the high level application process

What are the steps? How long does it take? What resources are available to support your innovation? Explore everything you need to know to get started.

High-level process


Check your eligibility

What are the high level eligibility criteria? Does your project or innovation meet the requirements? Are you prepared to apply? Find the answers here.

Check eligibility


Understanding the tender portal

The EU Funding & Tenders Portal is your gateway to accessing open calls and applying for EU grants and funding opportunities.

Read more


Looking for RI calls for proposals?

The RI Work Programme is your key resource for accessing detailed information on funding opportunities, calls for proposals, and application guidelines. Be sure to consult it before beginning your application.

Find open calls

Related Events and Recordings


Opportunities in Horizon Europe: The Digital Series (Including AI and 6G)

09.30 - 12.00 | Online

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Horizon Europe support and consortia building webinars

10.00 - 12.30 | Online

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