MarRINav (Maritime Resilience and Integrity of Navigation) was a European Space Agency project run in partnership with a consortium of organisations led by NLA International.
About the programme
MarRINav (Maritime Resilience and Integrity of Navigation), funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), arose from the recognition that increasing reliance on satellite navigation requires that the information displayed to mariners must be trustworthy, and if it is not, must warn the user. This what we mean by integrity – providing assurance to the user that the information provided can be trusted.
The project focused on Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), of which GPS is one, including error detection in the receiver – receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) – and augmentation services such as the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). Complementary systems, including terrestrial navigation and timing signals, were also considered.
The project made recommendations, and any new systems would have to be funded, included a cost benefit analysis to quantify the costs of GNSS unreliability to shipping.
The project completed in 2020, and its reports are available on this site.
MarRINav recommended further study, which led directly to the INSPIRe project, also funded by ESA.
Useful documents

Executive Summary Report
The Executive Summary Report outlines the need for the project, the approach, findings, conceptual architecture, geographic coverage, cost benefit analysis and conclusions and recommendations.

Following on from MarRINav, INSPIRe (Integrated Navigation System-of-Systems PNT for Resilience) is an 18-month project to define practical measures that could be implemented to indicate the confidence a user should have in their Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solution.