Net Zero Places Innovation Network
Making net zero a reality in the UK by supporting local/regional authorities to achieve their net zero ambitions by connecting, collaborating, sharing experiences and adopting innovation.
About the Network
Innovate UK Business Connect’s Net Zero Places Innovation Network aims to make Net Zero in the UK a reality. We do this by supporting local/regional authorities and agencies to connect, collaborate, inform, share experiences and lessons learned, to support organisations across the UK.
This will be achieved by the Net Zero Places Innovation Network working with local authorities to identify the challenges, collaborating with procurement body organisations to make sure businesses and their solutions are procurement ready.
Connecting Local Authorities with the right people
With our cross sector business networks, we are ideally placed to understand what solutions might be best suited for your area and we can ensure that you not only find the right solutions, but can adopt them and make progress towards your net zero goals.
Sharing experiences and knowledge
We want to ensure that best practice and lessons learned are shared broadly. This will help you fast forward your team’s understanding of specific challenges and the process of procuring impactful solutions to address net zero challenges.
Supporting Net Zero SMEs
Working alongside a wide range of stakeholders and partners, we can support SMEs to develop their Net Zero products and services, and undertake public sector procurement, as well as introduce them to a network of business support opportunities.
Net Zero Places current activity

Decarbonisation of Buildings & Estates
Covers everything from retrofit to energy systems.
Read more

Decarbonisation of Transport
This includes the transition to electric vehicles, procurement solutions and rural mobility.
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Working towards Net Zero
We will support other unconventional net zero challenges that impact a number of authorities, such as lowland peat.
Read more
Future places
Innovate UK commissioned a strategic foresight programme, from Urban Foresight, to learn more about the trends affecting UK towns and cities. Read the key findings from this research and the recommendations on what actions can be taken to support innovation for current and future challenges.
Read the reports
Net Zero Talks podcast series
The Net Zero Talks Podcast series aims to hear from experts and Local Authorities on challenges and practical insights into different topics relating to how to achieve net zero in places.