West Midlands

The West Midlands region is being delivered by Creative UK in partnership with West Midlands Combined Authority and Create Central and encompasses Birmingham, Solihull, Sandwell, Dudley, Coventry, Walsall, Wolverhampton.

Lead Organisation

Creative UK




West Midlands

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About the region

The West Midlands is a wonderfully diverse creative hub in the heart of England. The team are excited that this diversity is represented by the sectors and the participants included in the programme.

This year’s cohort comprises 50 businesses, which are divided equally into two groups of 25. The stage one cohort includes businesses that are earlier in their journey, while stage two includes those closer to the point of investment. Creative UK has found this division to be the most helpful to participants, based on their experience of running the programme previously.

The businesses range from one-person enterprises right up to 65 employees. Participants hail from a range of sectors including film and TV, product design, advertising, gaming, and virtual reality experiences.

Applicant feedback highlighted a historic lack of infrastructure around film and TV in the region, with many mentioning a lack of skills, talent pools, and connection opportunities. Create Central has been working to address this industry feedback for some time and the issue will continue to be a priority.

Jasmin Davies, Programme Coordinator for Creative UK West Midlands, says: “We have a large film and TV focus and, along with Create Central and WMCA, have established relationships with the companies and organisations who are driving the development of TV and film studios in and around Digbeth and beyond.”

The team are also keen for participants to tap into the extensive investment mentor pool at Creative UK. Their mentors have knowledge and interest in the creative industries alongside lengthy experience in investment opportunities and growing businesses.

Being present in the West Midlands, it was important to include businesses that represent this very diverse region, and are also highgrowth businesses with the potential to grow.

Julia Hayes, Programme Manager for Creative UK West Midlands

Objectives and delivery

Stage one businesses will get six months of workshops covering topics such as intellectual property, investment, strategic networking, and marketing. Alongside that, participants will have one-to-one mentoring sessions including a diagnostic session at the end of the process to signpost opportunities and finalise their growth plan.

The stage two programme is nine months and includes workshops covering similar topics but with a focus on investment rather than growth planning. Participants also get more dedicated mentorship; 27 hours over the period with a bespoke investment mentor tailored to the needs of the business.

A big part of the programme for both cohorts is the investor connect events, where participants can practise their pitch and tailor their offering to real investors – and maybe even land investment.

Jasmin says: “The connect events include pitch and dines, pitch practice opportunities and networking events. These are a big opportunity for participants to refine their pitch or offering further, and meet people who might eventually be putting some money into their business.”

Impact and response

The team are proud to reveal that there’s real excitement among both cohorts. Participants are engaging with the content well and are eager for the journey ahead.

The first cohort has already started making new connections and solidifying existing connections as part of the programme – forging a creative infrastructure that many feel has been lacking in the region.

Jasmin says: “The response demonstrates to us that there is and has been a real need for this sort of programme here in the West Midlands. I really feel like we’re filling that gap. While it’s still early days, I think by the end of this process, we’ll have a really strong case to do the same thing again.”

The team are excited to announce that participants are already beginning to learn the language of business, something that many creative founders struggle with. Julia Hayes, Programme Manager for Creative UK in the West Midlands, explains: “It’s making sure that founders in creative industries can talk the same language as investors and reassure them that they are business people with an opportunity that has real potential.”


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