Enabling older workers to maintain work in later life

Enabling older workers to maintain work in later life using an automated matching platform, using a ‘totally tailored technology’ approach, which connects customers looking for help with home chores, with a local, skilled workforce of over 50s.



Lead Organisation

Local Treasures Limited


South East (England)


Maintaining health at work

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About the project

Local Treasures exists to enable older workers to maintain work in later life. It is an automated matching platform which connects customers looking for help with home chores, with a local, skilled workforce of over 50s.

As part of our quest to enable people to maintain work in later life, we want to build “Totally Tailored Technology” (3T). 3T will be a stand-alone piece of software which will be integrated into the existing Local Treasures platform to encourage older workers to keep working for longer.

3T is a revolutionary way in which older people can tailor the way they manage their skills, their jobs, their timesheets, their payments and their rewards. 3T will be designed by each individual to use the technology which they feel most comfortable with to perform certain tasks. 3T will be created using a digital interface which allows workers to fully customise how they engage with Local Treasures to find work. The preferences chosen using the 3T interface will be integrated and saved into the existing Local Treasures matching panel. 3T will encourage thousands more older workers to find work easily through Local Treasures.


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